SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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It sucks but it pays well and it pays well because nobody wants to work the schedule. I don’t know if I could work a month of days and then nights but I didn’t like working 12s at the start and now I want won’t work 8s. Who knows
10’s I find are perfect get 50 hours in 5 days 60 if I work six and I get enough sleep and have time to hit gym. Maybe changing jobs again to 12 hour shifts but potential 3 on the hour raise and cleaner environment
lol how small you talkin’ if it ain’t under 5 inches you’re good to go. Maybe stop comparing yourself to dudes on porn haha
True but I like Monday through Friday I actually don’t want more days off if I go to twelves I’ll be searching for that fourth day at least every other week
Just joking really although with my body dimorphism and depression i truet hate my self if not for this site I would have zero pics taken of me. I don’t like looking at myslef I just see constant flaws
I feel what your saying. But at least you got some balls brother! I’ve taken a couple pics of myself and chicken shit out and delete them.
PCT ends Monday and I am going to try and get in Tuesday to get blood work done. The following day I go on vacation for 11 days… 11 days of bad eating and hardly, if any, gym time.
I’ve been doing a lot of bad eating and shitty sleep recently. Right now I’m jealous of your body functioning on 4 hours of sleep was going to have 2 weeks off to “catch” up on sleep but accepting new job out that on hold will have at least three days off each week though some 4
Damn I guess I am glad I don’t have that issue…I went to bed at 1040 last night and naturally woke up at 3 today. Exactly why I don’t even need an alarm. I leave for work at 5:50 each morning which means I could stay up past 12 each night and still wake up before work. Just weird how I have to sleep around 3 am just to woke up to the sun being up lol
I’ve been on vacation in AZ and haven’t worked out at all. Excited to get back to TX on the 3rd and resume where I left off.

This is off topic but I just have to vent about this bullshit. How the hell is it fair that I gotta cough up 800 a month in child support, get taxed out the ass, lose hundreds of dollars to visit the kids, this trip costed me 2,000 because it put me two weeks of no work and no pay, owe uncle sam taxes every year, and don’t get shit on these stimulus checks. Meanwhile, she gets 500 bucks in food stamps, doesn’t pay federal income tax (she receives more money than what she paid into it at the end of the year), doesn’t have to spend to visit the kids, the kids don’t cost 800 a month cause she lives rent free with mommy and hardly pays any daycare expenses due to government assistance. She receives massive stimulus checks and also gets about 8,000 bucks every year in tax returns since the government thinks it’s fair for those without kids to pay for other peoples’ life choices. 800 x 12 + annual 8,000 = 17,600 in free income a year with no bills. Fucking joke and doesn’t even offer to share some of the stimulus money.
Hey brother I know CS bends me over every time I go to court. Just be grateful Your ex let’s you visit your kids, I haven’t been allowed to speak with my daughter over the phone or seen her since she was 6 mo old, she’s 9 now. Thanks to her wonderful lying mother and her lawyers that her rich parents paid for to keep me out of her life. Fucks with me everyday brother, just remember it could always be worse.

I will say I wasn’t a saint but by no means I wasn’t the monster they made me out to be.
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I’m so sorry to hear this stories like these almost make me thankful that no woman wants to have children with me
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