SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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That’s sucks to hear. As much as an a-hole my X was, I am grateful I got to see my kids. There are groups for men out there that will help advocate your rights. Not many but they are out there.
It seriously is a lost cause the ball is in her mom’s court I have three other children im raising but I can tell you I’ve always been available and wanting and willing to be present in her life. I’m sure her and I get to have some serious discussions in the future I’m not really looking forward to lol my self help group I go to now really helps I talk about it openly there and it really does help 100%
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They wont figure out their mistake because they are usually entitled bums that are on welfare and don’t want their freebies slashed. People who vote for people to have their money stolen from them through increased taxes tells me the vast majority are welfare recipients or very low income. I think if we are going to have a federal income tax, we shouldn’t tax them throughout the entire year and then come tax season they have to send one big check off to the government. Maybe then people will ponder about how much they are being raped and think twice before casting that vote for a democrat.
Damn that is shitty, I am sorry to hear that. Women can be the most vindictive creatures on the planet. I do get to see my kids it is just rare and not often as she moved back to her home state while I was stationed in TX. When I do move back and file for standard visitation I am sure she will oppose it and lie through her fucking teeth to the court and play the abused victim card. She would physically assault me when she lived with me and if I defended myself she would constantly threaten to call military police and ruin my career. The Army punishes soldiers’ on just accusations there is no due process. I visited her for Christmas in 2018 and she was mad I was texting a woman and restrained me from leaving her residence. It took everything in me to not be physical to easily escape because I know our society doesn’t give men a fair chance or believes them. So I had to take it up the ass for about an hour getting choked and restrained from leaving, unable to defend myself out of fear I would get in trouble with the law. I finally escaped on foot with no shoes and a police officer saw me running down the street away from the home while my psycho ex was chasing me down in her car. Had to then get escorted to get my belongings and say bye to the kids and didn’t get to see them for Christmas. Visited for 2 weeks and only saw them one day.
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Isn’t that something, Ive learned to just accept it and I totally have lost faith in the justice system. If I had the wealth to retain a lawyer I would have visitation rights, but it’s all about money now days.

You are probably better off without her in your life. I know I am better off without mine, she was a nutcase but she was beautiful. I met her when I was 21 .
Yeah man that is what I am doing. And honestly, as much as I love my kids, a lot of times it isn’t even worth trying to get in touch with them because I have to go through her and deal with her bullshit. And then you gotta deal with dumbass family members talking shit that you can do more as a father, talk to the kids more, etc…when they have no fucking clue how difficult it is dealing with women like that. So I have completely cut off my family and only have a strong relationship with my mom and brother. At least yours was hot lol, mine was a 5 on her best day but I was young 18 and stupid. I am so grateful I found a woman, even though she is only 19, that is almost perfect and willing to deal with 2 kids and a crazy ex. I want to stay in TX because I like it there, but I feel compelled to move back to AZ just because my kids are in that state along with my brother and mother who I am close to. I will be happier in a sense, but I also know that it is going to be a pain in the ass for me to deal with the ex and also a pain for my current girlfriend too.
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I hear that, man. It is what it is I have no control over the situation I just try to be the best father I can be to the best of my ability.

I grew up without my dad so being a father is very important to me some if not most people had relationships with both parents and so they don’t really understand what they are putting their children throughwhen they do things like that out of spite.

Keep doing you man, you seem like you got a good head on your shoulders.
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Exactly, people would realize how much money they are losing and not want to send the government that money which would most likely change how they vote.
Well while all the dems are running on giving away free things and money which I thought was illegal and I understand that its through proxy.
Its still obvious and shouldn’t be allowed.
Remember that the 600$ isn’t cree either there going to make everyone pay it back in there taxes.
The only winners from this is people on welfare assistance the people paying for it will just keep paying
I will be getting my bloodwork done Thursday morning. Which tests should I order between these three testosterone tests?

Testosterone, Free (Indirect) With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
Testosterone, Free (Direct) With Total Testosterone
Testosterone, Free (Direct)

website is
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I looked at their female hormone panels and they have two. The second one includes estrogen whereas the first I didn’t see on the list. My only issue with this test is it is 405 bucks, not sure I want to spend that much on a blood draw haha. I could test testosterone and estrogen for under 200. Would I be significantly fucking myself by not doing the hormone panel?
Is this a post cycle lab check? Trt check? I can’t remember where you’re at in the process.

Out of those three:
SidTheSlothh said:
Testosterone, Free (Indirect) With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
Will be the best over stance of your test levels.

You had estrogen problems on cycle so I would make sure it has an e2 level, and I would always encourage and BMP (lipids, liver, kidney etc) and a CBC to check how your body is processing elevated RBC production.
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This is post cycle. I do see the roidtest bloodspot test and it looks to be the testosterone multi-panel for 189.99. That is definitely much cheaper than 400 bucks lol. Is a finger prick test just as accurate as a blood draw?
Post cycle I would encourage a complete blood panel. This is honestly one of the last things that should get cut relating to cost. Do the full panel of test, estrogen, CBC, and CMP. This will give you an accurate picture of your overall health recovery post cycle.
@NeuroRN is right you can get regular blood work from a lab and do the home test or just go straight to the doctor or website you use for blood work
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The female panel 1 ($275) includes:

FSH, LH, Estradiol, Thyroid, Testosterone, CBC, CMP

Female panel 2 ($405) includes:

DHEAS, Estradiol, Estrogen, Pregnenolone, Progesterone, SHBG, Testosterone, Thyroid, CBC, CMP

Is the panel 1 good enough?
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