SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Awesome. I’ll do that one then and then most likely do the roidtest kits pre-cycle and during cycle. Glad I asked otherwise I was just going to order a testosterone and estrogen test. Would rather pay an extra 90 bucks for a more comprehensive test. Thanks guys
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I am contemplating picking up some HCG. Based on how I feel, it feels like my testosterone is back to where it was before cycle. I won’t know for sure until blood results come back. My testicles, however, have not returned to their pre cycle size. I am not experiencing them going into my pubes anymore though thank god but they are still definitely smaller. If I do pick it up I’ll most likely stock up on Aromasin for a future cycle, then I would have everything prepared.
I will also be getting my girlfriend a testosterone test when I go in tomorrow morning. Trying to figure out if that is what has caused her to be naturally muscular lol
Got my blood drawn today and for some reason I got super lightheaded and felt like I was going to faint during it. That usually never happens unless I look at it so not sure what caused it today. Maybe it was the fasting or maybe my mind got grossed out cause blood draw seemed to take a bit longer than a regular one. Do they need to pull more blood for a female hormone panel?
Here are my blood test results:



The testosterone and estro looks good I am actually surprised. I guess that PCT worked well for me
I donate every 2 months to keep levels correct and get fasted labs every 90 days for old man stuff and they draw out alot for my labs. I’ll have to count the vials next time.
Debating on the length of this next cycle. Should I do a short 10 week one at an attempt to avoid testicular atrophy or should I run it again for 16 weeks but have to use hcg? I also ended up getting some free 25mg dbol and wondering if I should run that for four weeks with just testosterone
I don’t follow the logic of avoiding testicular atrophy?

You have hcg, use it an avoid the atrophy. Anytime you’re introducing exogenous test you’re going to shut down your natural test… leading to atrophy.

This is part of the game we play. I wrote a post awhile back… it’s important to note, and important to say again and again…

Your body wasn’t intended to start and stop the HPTA axis. You start using gear… you’re gonna end up on test year round.

As far as the dbol… I say HELL. NO. You were completely dissatisfied with your cycle results. Your estrogen was out of wack the whole time. Personally I wouldn’t add another aromatizing compound when you already had trouble.

As always… just my .02
The only thing that bothered me about the atrophy is during sex once My testical went into my pubic region and I had to push down on it to get it back into the scrotum. After that incident I was fearful of it happening again and was paranoid since it grossed me out. I didn’t experience the disappearing nut until after week 12 or so which is why I figured if I ran a short one it wouldn’t happen.

If I ran another cycle and did the same pct I am increasing my risk of my body not recovering and having to be on TrT for life?

I don’t have the hcg yet. Gotta grab that, aromasin, and a vial of test cyp.
That’s going to happen with atrophy. I use hcg all cycle. That’s just me.

Yes. Each time you shut down your natural production you’re one cycle closer to TRT. that’s the name of the game.

There’s always an outlier of a guy who never needs it, sure… but anabolic induced hypogonadism is most TRT clinics bread and butter.

If you keep taking AAS. You will need TRT for the rest of your life.

Let me repeat. If you keep introducing outside hormones into your body… and shutting down your natural production. You will need trt for life. Forever.


Test levels across the board are dropping… most men will need trt in their lifetime. Keeping your levels higher longer by means of manual manipulation has shown astounding health outcomes. Which is why I say fuck it, and stay on TRT anyway. But I’m in the minority.

I think it would be a blessing to have been 25 and on TRT 😂😂
Great info for cruise, or unofficial TRT folks Documentary, Books, Publishing
[image] Recently finished this book. Along with his TRT replacement handbook. You could read this one and skip the Trt handbook. The author has references for every claim made and the bottom of each page. He goes into what bloodwork needs to be drawn, ancillary supplementation, and overall health and well-being. From a medical standpoint, the info he presented was pretty damn frustrating. Seeing how much hormonal imbalance leads to all the chronic diseases I see people die from on a Weekly …


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I wouldn’t run cyp for a 10 week cycle. That’s purely personal preference. I think you’re wasting precious weeks of a short cycle waiting for the cyp to hit.
Hmm well this definitely has me debilitating on wether to run a cycle or not. I don’t really want to be on TRT at my age, I wouldn’t mind in the future when my testosterone is actually low.

Does this go for a testosterone only cycle regardless of if it is cyp or test E?

What does more damage shorter cycles with more frequency or longer ones with less frequency?

Why would it be a blessing to be on TRT at 25? Does a TRT dose put your test levels higher than a person who isn’t on it at 25?
I’ve had this happen and im not sure what it is but my nuts were gone basically I could have definitely used hcg

Eventually you will be like me I just spent a year trying to pct and im starting to blast and cruise again once everything comes together
Any introduction of outside test will bring you closer to trt. The more you add the more you have to overcome. 19 Nors keep you shut down for much longer.

In terms of frequency vs length I’m not sure which will lead you to needing trt sooner. Nothing about PCT and restarting your natural production is an exact science. Again, it wasn’t meant to be started and stopped.

It’s a personal thing. Yes, at 25 you could keep your levels at 1100 constantly and it will be higher than most 25 year olds.

Low T is linked to almost all chronic illness, so I personally don’t mind looking at life long trt. It will keep me healthier longer in reality.

As far as another cycle… that’s up for your informed decision.
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