SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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23G, 250mg test E. Next cycle I am gonna give test cyp a shot and see if there is less PIP
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First cycle me and him both. As far as bloods @Rusty

Week one after 1 shot ( should have done it before the shot) test 1600 free T 590 Estro 215!

Popped adex .5 mg after week 2. 2 x a week.

Week 6 blood test. Test 1600 free t 590. Estro 195! Estro still high after .5 adex 2x weekly so upped the dose to 1mg 2x a week in hopes to get it under control. Will do more bloods week 10
Where did you get your adex from? Doesn’t sound like it’s working. Those levels are high for TRT but won’t do much for a cycle. If you wanna see more gains I would double the test intake but not until you get the estrogen under control. Your thoughts @NeuroRN @BigSwole69

Watch out for the sciatic nerve
SRX bro. But you are correct. It seems to do nothing at all. If estro is 215 in week one. After adex was implemented it only went down to 195? That’s crazy. We will see for sure though at a more then normal dose what the lab shows in week 10. If it’s still high. I would be concerned that it’s a bad batch.

The test cycle is the standard 500 mg weekly broken into 250 2x a week. Higher dose then TRT like you stated. Since it is the first cycle it’s been more of a trial. 🙂
HCG or kisspeptin. @Optumpharma could give you more information but I’m running hcg and my nuts are heavier than when I’m off cycle. No joke. I feel like it keeps my E at bay as well. That could be total bull shit but I WILL say this. As soon as I started taking HCG my sex drive increased, balls got bigger and I rarely need to take e blockers. I personally use my nipples as a gauge. Might be dumb but when my right nipple gets slightly sore I know it’s time for .5 and I’m back to normal.
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Thanks man. For sure won’t be running another cycle without HCG or some sort of something that helps prevent the complete shutdown of the nuts, starting to get uncomfortable at this point. My estro has been high the entire cycle but I don’t feel any sides. Won’t be using adex again and that’s for certain 😂
Hcg will actually produce more estro sides. I’ve only ever used aromisin and it’s done well for me. Currently I’m actually trying to let my estro be a little high. See how I feel. I think around 100 would be great for me with my test being as high as it is kind of like balancing it. I don’t mind a little water weight
what is your aromasin dose at? Highly tempted to stop running the adex and switch to that and see what happens. I do feel lethargic and a lack of energy could be from the high E or it’s just in my head cuz I know my E is high lol.
Might get lucky and get my test results today.

I went in yesterday and decided to only get one of my wisdom teeth removed since it was the only one that was impacted and going to cause issues, the other three were grown in straight with showing no signs or future problems. Walked into the clinic and just like last time the office staff freaked out when I told them I didn’t want all four gone. They proceeded to upsale me with lies and pressure to get them all removed. Lady said well they are going to all cause problems in the future which was lie number one. Then asked the other staff lady, “do we have to get the bases permission to only remove 4 and not one?” Other lady said, “you are active duty and they require you to get them all removed.” Which is a fucking lie and I told her that isn’t true and she’s all well it’s your choice we can’t make you, got caught in the lie herself. I’ve been in for 5 years and have never been told I am forced to take them all out. I hate stupid people like that that don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Totally unprofessional and unscrupulous staff to even pressure a patient to get under the knife for medical unnecessities so they can make a few quick bucks off you. Dental is mostly a scam. You walk in that bitch for one thing and it’s like walking into a local lube shop for an oil change and they try to bullshit you with how your air filter is dirty or your automatic transmission fluid is due. Crooks.
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