SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Well my understanding the general rule is you want to be off cycle just as long as you were on cycle, longer if possible off. Yeah brother you going to see some nice gains that should stick around. Lean mass not a bunch of water weight. If your PCT is done correctly you should be able to keep most of what you gain, from my experience with that same cycle.

I’m running 200mg test cyp, 200 sust, 20mg ment, 25 mg A bombs. Some pwo TNE, test no ester, and nandro base.

I’m starting low then gradually working my dose up in order to avoid sides.
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Oh okay gotchya I’ve read around the same thing but fuck it I’d rather just do PCT then take 10 weeks off lol. OP did a good job designing me the cycle. I wanted a mild one with less sides so I got a nice 2nd one coming 🙂 you went on this same cycle?

Nice sounds hardcore lol. Let me know how them gains are 😂
Yeah same one just no sust only cyp. Yeah I fucking gained 20lb lean mass and got bigger off cycle, I didn’t loose anything. I leaned out more and shed the water weight off cycle. Man you can’t go wrong with that guy he really knows his shit.
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Im glad your sticking around and learning this shit man. I remember when I first joined this forum it took awhile to me to get the hang of it.
Damn that’s really good man and yeah you really can’t lol. Makes you wonder how one gets like that 😂.
I really enjoy being here and it’s fun to chat with all kinds of people and read up on things. This has really become a true hobby. Gives me something to do in my spare time instead of playing games. Agreed, at first I was so overwhelmed I was just like forget it… lol. A few years back my tattoo artist actually sold me two bottles of Test and I never took them because I read a little online of AI•s the sides, blood work, etc etc and was like yeah fuck that too confusing lol. I thought you just take the test and it raises your test and that’s it! Clearly not the case though 😂
Lol right I totally agree bro it helps if your plugged in with a community like this but I only seen the other forums and everyone act’s like they know everything and they are rude to guys asking simple questions let alone trying to get any gear without getting ripped off was intimidating in itself. Then I found this sight!!👌
This wisdom tooth removal has been a nightmare. Was going fine for the first three days when I was using the 800mg ibuprofens but now am experiencing a rather intense dull ache that has kept me from sleeping for the second night in a row now. Had the surgery Wednesday and the pain has not gotten better only worse. Got 2 hours of sleep yesterday and 1 hour tonight waking up with a throbbing ache. Going to contact the dentist today as I’m pretty sure at this point I have dry socket.
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Oh man dry socket must suck. I had them pull three wisdom and a molar and it was painful the first couple nights but not as you describe.
Guess I just got unlucky. I went back to the dentist today after calling him at 1 am asking for advice. Thankfully it wasn’t dry socket. He put a syringe in the hole and flushed it out and there was a little bit of debris in there that he said could be causing a delay in healing. I am still going to the gym but only doing lightwork and no heavy compounds. Problem with running light is I am still having that issue where my muscles get super tight and seem to fill with lactic acid so quick that they burn out ridiculously fast and feel like they will pull if I push them. Still think it’s a side of the high estro I have been having this entire cycle as I never experienced this before. Hopefully this estro crap can get resolved soon so I know how to handle it for next cycle.
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This is the third night in a row waking up after only to to 2 hours of sleep with pain and unable to go back to sleep due to the throbbing ache from the wisdom tooth extraction. This shit is getting real old and to the point where I may not even go to the gym until this is over. Getting this little sleep I’m just going to assume no repairs are even being done and I’ll just be wasting time and effort.
Don’t bother bud. If you are sleeping that poorly you are not doing yourself any favors by working out. Take a break and rest up. Hit it hard again when you’ve healed
Hey I’ve been meaning to tell you since your military holler at one of the mods tbu or bigmurph and get yourself a tag under you name if you want. Just been thinking about it. Hope your feeling better bro.
Thanks for looking out but I am good man. I just sent in my resignation memorandum to my general, let’s just say I am disappointed in the Army and the military as a whole with the direction they are going and at this point they can suck my dick. Nothing but a bunch of sensitive snowflakes run the military now.
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Can’t wait to get off this cycle. The high estro has is still making me cut workouts short due to excess burning sensation during lifts. It is also affecting my sex life, constantly get muscle cramps during. The lack of flexibility and the tightness is just ridiculous. Waiting on my bro’s estrogen bloods in a week or two to figure out what the hell we are doing next to bring levels down
Hey brother just be glad you didn’t run a complex cycle, you’ll figure out your sweet spot. I’m pretty susceptible to high estro as well. Make sure your getting your electrolytes.
Most definitely. Even though it’s a bust I’m glad I ran it just to figure out how I can handle the estro in the future. I am excited for the next cycle. We only got a few weeks left so hopefully can figure out the estro situation for our next one.

Next week I start working 7 days a week for a few months so going to be limited on time. Will most likely start going to the gym early in the morning
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Yep. A testy will disappear during sex. It’s usually when you kegel or are near orgasm is when it happens. Pretty uncomfortable and weird reaching down there and feeling nothing. Periodically I will reach down there and push down on them lol
See that’s what I’m worried about. Arimidex even at 2mg a week hasn’t done a thing to my estrogen. I have to try aromasin next maybe even something else.
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