The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Yes sir I am this week. I always do every few months or shortly after starting new cycle.
He’s my thing tho, my estrogen is always usually good, around 30, but even there I still have sensation in my breast glands, like onset of gyno, but I don’t get it. So I shouldn’t say arimidex doesn’t work for me bc it does, lowers my e right, I just still from just that extra little bit of estrogen, get gyno symptoms. My doc at the time assured me I could stay on that last cycle like that and wouldn’t get any growth in my breast glands. And for the last 4-5 weeks kept the course with the symptoms, and at the end went to a imaging center where they checked out the tiddies and sure enough I was good2go, no gyno. But just thought it was crazy to get symptoms, puffy, tenderness, while being in a relatively safe spot for my e levels. Has anyone ever experienced/heard anything like this?
You may think about running nolvadex ed your on cycle until it subsides. I had the same problem but after running nolvadex ed it went away.
That’s crazy bro. Interesting just how different each person is and how they respond to these compounds. I’ve been rocking 180+ estrogen for 11 weeks now and I feel nothing in the breast tissue. And the adex running 1mg ED did not drop my estrogen.
Yeah man I still don’t get it. I started a whole thread just about trying to get the information about AIs, anti-estrogens, the suicidal & non ones, blockers, given to me Barney style & have read hours about them posted up here & I still don’t know how to combat the symptoms. That’s crazy tho, I’d be super happy to have the sides of gyno blocked & have my estrogen higher, maybe not 180, idk when having it too high is a disadvantage…
It’s already a disadvantage. With the amount of water I am retaining my muscles cramp and lock up, have to continuous switch positions and stretch during sex lol, cutting workouts short cause the burn is so intense feels like my muscles are going to rip. I can barely get the squat bar on my back cause my shoulders start cramping. Severe lack of flexibility. And I can’t do cardio at all Cause of the bloat unless it’s at a pace where it gets my heart rate so low it ain’t even worth it.
How have The gAins come along cause it
Seems with the sides on test only I’m not
Sure I would be looking to
Run another cycle
I was making a lot of strength gains at planet fitness, however I just switched gyms to get away from the smith machine and goddamn that made a difference lol. Lifts way lower now on free weights.

I’m trying to figure that out and how to deal with the estrogen. It looks like I will have to try aromasin next and run bloods to see. Shit is annoying me and I don’t like not knowing the answer, so I’m going to get to the bottom of this shit
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Yea dam that sounds rough, I def would not want it the other way around bc besides the annoying tenderness & puffiness here and there, my e stays right and I can go for days & the gains are still great.
Did you account that the smith machine is only 25 to start not 45 also all the stabilizer muscles hav two work
I knew it was a lot lighter and I knew lifts would drop, just not to that extent lol. Exactly why I wanted to switch gyms so I can track actual progress
What are your lifts at right now compared to start use the sm machine weights
On smith machine:
Deadlifts 280
Bench 230
Squats 245

Deadlifts 205
Bench 185
Squats 205

Weak as fuck but this is first week transitioning to free weights so I do expect early gains due to CNS adaption. But weak as fuck. Thinking of switching to stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength when I go on my next bulk
That’s weird lol. Thing about dead’s too is not just the stabilizers, with a barbell you start way deeper than on the smith machine. Far greater range of motion
There was something about that smith that I just found the movement to be really awkward. Can definitely keep it tighter. The bar slides up my shins now and didn’t with the smith. Gotta love the red lines of skin missing up the shins, maybe even a little blood
Yesterday was my last injection. Waiting on estrogen bloods to check the validity of the adex that was ran. If estro levels show no decrease then it simply means I do not respond to adex as I highly doubt 2 sponsors’ products would not be legit. Doing the stand pct protocol of 100 clomid and 40 nolva for two weeks followed by the next two weeks at 50/20. Will do bloods a few weeks after that to see where everything is at. Curious to see if I drop a bunch of water weight in these next few weeks. Also not going to be consuming as much calories anymore and will go with lighter rep ranges until next cycle in 4 months.
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