SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Im interested in adex just not working for you is interesting ive heard of people needing aromasin as a stronger ai.
I’ve never heard of an ai just not working at all and your numbers were crazy high on your test.
I look forward to hearing what happens and hopefully that estrogen gets in range for you brother.
I can feel the water too. I’m going to miss the ridiculous sex drive but am looking forward to getting my flexibility back, not cramping up, and being able to lift weights again without a painfully excessive burn in the muscles.
Yeah sounds like your bloated ive been there not having any flexibility. You probably have alot of food backed up in your gut also and all that will eventually work its way out also to lean you back up.
That’s some weight 30lbs if ten of it’s water then it will leave you with 20 lbs lean mass. This seems like it was a good trial run just got to figure out this estro issue.
You forgot to subtext the fat weight he said he also we have final
Pic to judge
Even if I put on no muscle mass it was still worth the experience and the knowledge gained. I’ll most likely throw some after pics up after my pct is complete 6 weeks from now. Just looking at my stomach area I would say about a 5 - 10 pound fat gain. I feel like now is the time to cut some weight and go lighter on lifts between cycles and then bulk again while back on cycle. Next cycle should be much better too once I get the estro answers within the next couple days
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Yeah bro. Banged my girl the other night and I looked down and there was a lump in my pube patch. Had to slowly push on it downward to get my nut back in its bag. Didn’t hurt but it was psychologically traumatizing lol
Well the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived, the results are in! And, it’s bad fucking news. Me and my brother switched from one sponsor’s adex to another sponsor after blood tests showed estrogen not decreasing. After switching to the second sponsor and running that for a couple of weeks we went and got tested again. Mind you, we took at dosages of 1mg per day for a week then dropped to the standard 2x a week.

Estrogen Results:

Week 1 - 214 estro Same sponsor

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Week 6 - 195 estro Same Sponsor


Week 10 - 184 estro Same sponsor


Week 14 - 270 estro Switched sponsor

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I also went to the doctor yesterday and got vitals done. I had really high blood pressure 155 over 85 and have never had this in my life. We are both at the end of our cycles and will be starting the PCT on the 23rd next week. Since both of us seem not to respond to Adex at all, should we do something now about the estrogen such as buy aromasin or should we let the testosterone drop now that we are off cycle and see what happens?

Unfortunately, this first cycle was a bust. The only result was we got fatter and trashed our health and spent money to do it. The only positive to this is we found out Adex does not work for either of us and if we run a cycle in the future it will have to be Aromasin. The other positive is this shows that we just dont respond to adex and it is not an issue with a certain sponsor’s product
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