This is how you make sure you have no acne

Its been difficult the first time I ran it had to stop because of gyno. I was using npp plus mhn and it put my progesterone through the roof started taking caber and finally figured it out with blood work. I was treating it like high estrogen and crashed my estrogen also stopped everything and waited then started over and it was good.
Its an oral nandrolone so its potent to getting you to get increasingly more dense and defined muscles probably works closer to a weak tren because it does burn body fat and gives you sweats.
If you can get this compound write and figure it out for yourself then you can get a really solid run out of it forsure this is my last chance to run mhn I won’t have enough left after this last batch.
yes, I ran it one time and loved it, but it is an oral and I tend to steer clear of them unless I have a weird goal in mind, with anything nor based I plan on running caber before hand so I don’t have those issues, I milked once and made my mind up that shit would never happen again, also have a buddy who runs MHN 1-2 cycles a year, he is a solid rock and swears by it, few people use it though
Yeah only 1 company makes it to market with it rarely and in small batches and the day its released the whole batch sells out all @Sponsor_G should see if they can get the real deal mythylhydroxynandrolone I don’t remember the exact breakdown but it is a
nor-androstienedion-19 derivative all leading back to nandrolone but this nandrolone is made to be an oral not an injectable that was made into a oral compound.

On a side note I had acne pretty bad and I found this stuff and it’s really helped. The wife had some good stuff she wasn’t really into letting me use it lol she said it was expensive and I didn’t ask how much . This stuff cost me 10$.
I have to buy my own pillow cases because when I run a heavy cycle I bleed on the pillow cases from acne little dots of blood that don’t come out and ive had to sleep on towels from night sweats.