This is just frustrating

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Well-known member
Man, I am not sure where to turn. I am relative new to this stuff. I run a TRT dose and have added in Var and Mast before. Really want to run HGH but was burned once on bunk gear. I can not figure out where I can find an honest discussion about what is legit and what is a scam. I looked at eroids (the forum) and is sounded pretty good, then I looked at their trustpilot and it sounds like quite a few people were burned. I realize we are not allowed to ask for sources, are we allowed to post bunk ones or ask if ones we found are legit? I don’t want to get ban on my first post. Any help would be great.
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Well if ones you found is not on here,then don’t waste your breath bringin them up to members here, but then again @Bigmurph will say tell them to hit him up to see if they would like to join the community and go through a proper vetting and verification. Any sponsor that is already here is good to go, we don’t tolerate fucked up sponsors here, the Mods and members all look out for each other here, which is the main reason this forum is top notch.
Welcome to ugmuscle brother im going to make this your introduction because it is very true not all forums are the same most are owned by people that do bad things. This is why they are corrupt and don’t care about their members health or really anything about them here at ugmuscle we hold our sponsors to the highest standards or we show them the door. We also don’t participate in any in doing bad things we actually care about our community.

We are also heavily involved in Harm Reduction so being a member here you get 20% off at so that you don’t ever take anything that’s fake. They even now offer blood work and more.

Please read the rules because you sound like a good guy and I hope that you stick around just don’t ask where to get anything because were not a market place nothing is bought or sold here were here to discuss the bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle and everyone here is here to help.

I believe that this is a great place for you to learn alot about different compounds and such. Im sorry that you got scammed but please post your situation that happened in our scammers category.
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Honestly eroids isn’t bad alot of good members there but they just allow srcs to keep robbing everyone until there subscription is up I just tossed 2 sponsors last night for not answering my emails.
Were to very different places on the way we do things plus our rules actually make sense you won’t see the fights and pack like attitude or mentality here you will never see a member being attacked for asking a question as long as the question doesn’t break the rules.
Ok. I appreciate the responses. I am always looking for a good community that loves weight lifting/bodybuilding/ powerlifting as much as I do. I have been lifting since I was 18 and I am 49 now. Had t-spine surgery in 2012 and gained some fat. Sitting about 5’10 250 now about 22% bf, so I am trying to get down to 15% by my 50th in May. I am not just looking for a source, but complete information/discussion on the subject. Community if you will. I have limited resources like everyone else, three little girls and a wife who isn’t going to let me throw money away, so I am hoping to find a place I can trust. @Bigmurph- just curious how you vet the sponsors. Do you ever post labs? I am happy checking them out-
Thanks again everyone.
Welcome man all our sponsors are top knotch if they do shady shit like Big Murph said they’re out the door. I’ve had nothing but good experiences here. There’s tons of information on HGH and other compounds on here use the magnifying glass up top ✌️
DarthSocrates said:
  • just curious how you vet the sponsors. Do you ever post labs?
Really? Our safety and security would be shit here if I ever answered questions like this so please don’t ask.

You can check our blood work category and read alot before you start posting you seem like a good guy who might be confused about what this website is all about the sponsors are only here to advertise anything besides that is against community guidelines and you will be banned for breaking the rules.
Read the rules by searching with the magnifying 🔎 glass and you can search for anything it searches our site not Google.
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