To Cardio fasted or fed

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I know a lot of guys prefer fasted, and there’s research to back it, personally, I found if I’m in a calorie deficit, it doesn’t matter when I do it, specially with HITT cardio.
When I was really lean I never did fasted cardio, although for work I walked 12 miles a day most days, so there’s that.
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I have no idea what fasting is. 😂. I usually eat about 2 hours before I train. Protein shake and some carb. Usually in the form of some rice or Gatorade drink. I don’t train well on an empty stomach. Probably why I’m carrying a keg and not a 6 pack. 😂
I usually have a protein shake I’m morn when I get up before cardio if I don’t my workouts are crap but I don’t do as well in the morn as I do I evenings working out or cardio not a morning person I guess I’m sure it has something to do with blood sugar it’s always borderline low in morn fasted had tests ran in past doc says it’s prob where my body rides
I do both and both work great! No need to over think it. They used to say you need food in your stomach to tap into fat burning. Then everyone got on the fasted cardio kick. Both work.
Seems to always go back and forth with everything, lifting in the morning is best, afternoon is best, pyramid training is best, super slow negatives, always go to failure or only do 75 percent.
Through all that I’ve learned one thing, do what works for you, and makes it fun, because if it really sucks, you are most likely never going to stick with it, and who wants to waste their time doing something they hate.
The key is what works for you. Every one is different and Responds differently to different training and diet. I got a buddy of mine who I train with swears to god that volume training is a waste for powerlifting yet for me it does wonders when I hit sticking points. Like all info I usually give it a try before I say it’s worthless. Except for restricting bands. I will not do those things. I’m not walking around the gym like the ultimate warrior or some shit. Oh. And those weird butterfly pull-ups that Crossfitters do. They look silly and like you’ll have no joints worth a shot when you are in your 50s…😂
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You know what that is. If it’s not constantly changing then how can the sell you. New workout deals all of them work just have to find what works for your personality and lifestyle you ever notice with any new “next big thing” workout deal that it always have a diet plan and they are pretty cut and dried low fat carb food at right amount stay away from processed
Crap no condiments pretty much hey exercise don’t eat shit look and feel better
It’s all so they can sell you something claiming it’s the one thing sure to make you lose weight!

They should just be honest and tell everyone, it’ll be hard, you have to really watch what you eat, but it gets easier, and you’ll feel amazing when it’s done.
I don’t do anything fasted. I’ll go into deep deficit but always make sure I get something in me every 4-5 hours minus when sleeping.
I keep food and water in my upstairs bathroom for when I get up at night
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Ha ha none yet. I give my kids hamster a bit of peanut butter that’s the real reason I keep it upstairs every night that little fuckin rodent is there waiting on his butter so why not give myself some
I’ve been drinking chocolate protein shake with spoon of peanut butter every morning when I get off work. Only good thing about the shutdown is I lost enough weight to be able to eat a bit more currently
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