SB Labs

Train on empty stomach


Well-known member
I have always eaten before workouts, usually is a couple of spoons of protein , cup or 2 of raw oatmeal and 1 tea spoon of honey. Always 2 hours before workout ; now with the diet i switched to a small peace of chicken and 10 grs of rice, 2 hours before training. Yesterday i had to get out of town early , long drive so no time for digestion and since am at the hard part of the diet already I trained on empty stomach. Got up at 3:45 am 2 cups of strong Cuban coffee and i was training 20 mins after; did back and biceps and 40 mins cardio right after lifting, it was tough…but i thought it was great. Anybody ever trained on empty, empty stomach
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I workout twice a day 5x per week currently. My morning routine is fasted light high volume. My late afternoon routine is fed heavy low volume. Intermittent fasting combined with ketosis sheds BF like a hot knife through butter for me. I am shooting for 6-7% BF in the next couple of weeks.

I supplement with BCAA’s before and after my morning routine for muscle preservation.
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Not my preferred method of training, but sometimes I have to do it. I usually down a cup of coffee and then a scoop of protein mixed with dextrose. That gets me through it.
I always train on an empty stomach, I get up early like you. I do, however notice that when I train in the afternoons (rarely) after I’ve been eating all day that my strength is much better.
You guys remember when Muscle milk first came out. When “root beer” was the only flavor? People hated the grainy taste but i loved it. I used to wake up at 4:30 am for training and just sipped that with workout. Had great sessions too just on that.
I always train on empty stomach 1st thing in the morning take 4-6ius gh plus preworkout and sip my intraworkout eaas and cyclic dextrins and then eat food when i get home i love it! Sickest pumps!
I can’t comprehend how your body can go all out with no fuel… a car is worthless with out fuel, or only a little bit of fuel can only get you so far
It’s a fact that your muscles and brain do not work at a effective and efficient level with nothing to feed off if
I understand the concept of dieting, but you guys are talking about expecting your body to put out 100% for you on a empty stomach how is that gonna work…
little by little your body adjust itself to the new source of energy :fat, is all a matter of training and see what works for you…me i gotta go hard to get shreded
Yeah I guess you can get your body use to anything with a routine…my body has no prob with helpin me get schredded, right now, I am consuming about 4000 cals per day, over 300 carbs, I just had dinner and it was approx 118 grams of carbs, that also puts into perspective how hard of a time I hav when it comes to bulking it’s literally like a job eating
The answer is Ketones. 😉

I personally think training fasted is not a good way to build muscle and/or strength but it does have its place and should be done with a specific purpose in mind.
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I agree with you, I jus had a hard time grasping it cause I know how my mind and body work when I got a empty stomach, I get irritable, and I know I won’t go as hard as I can at the gym with a lack of food, but pastor did clear it up a bit for me