SB Labs

Travel plans and issues

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Thank God and Thank you @NeuroRN This is such a big deal for me cause I never had a vein like that popping in my bicep. But the only thing anyone else noticed was the black pants @Dirtnasty you mofo. Hahahahahahaha. And this is not even arm day. It’s chest and back day.
I have a lot of gay friends and bi friend that used to get hammered and suck dicks in bathrooms of gay bars. So it’s pretty simple
I get a feeling after this year it will be in all my cycles just seems like a great compound and now that. I found the 600 mg is a go why not
I’m surprised you don’t want to run it year round. I don’t know if my grocery budget could handle running it all year. Stuff makes me
So hungry.
Dancing between fucking sets, they obviously aren’t pushing themselves hard enough on their sets if they got time to dance.
Hahahaha. They doing more like cardio type lifting. It’s just cool that people are doing what they want and not worrying about what others may think. In Wisconsin I would never see that. People are way too shy.
As long as people rack their weights and don’t bother me I say do what ever you got to do at the gym to get your workout. I will add it’s not unusual to
Catch me throwing down some moves in between sets if that house starts out playing that old raver coming out PLUR
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When I was giving blood the lady loved me. She was all excited about my veins then she doing my blood pressure and the cuff kept coming off cause my arms too big. Then she said something about all these muscles. And I wanted to hug her. Made me feel so good. Then I finished I record time. She asked how you bleed so fast. I said I drink at least a gallon of water per day. She said well you made my first appointment go so easy. Hahahaha. I didn’t tell her it’s cause all the gear lmao @Dirtnasty
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They always have to get the bigger cuff for me then say finding a vein is easy and then fill the bag quick. I love when they ask if I work out. I just
Say no this is me
Natural. Imagine if I did
They know I’m kidding. At this point don’t ask me if I work out just ask if I use gear. Ones a given the other pretty obvious
Who let the freaks out tonight. At gym now just full of monsters. I’m talking these guys look like pros. WTF. Pretty cool to watch.
Hope so. There’s about 20 dudes in here look like body builders you see on tv and or power lifters like you see on TV. These Southern California bros are serious!!!
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