SB Labs

Travel plans and issues

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I have always used it to as my diluting of things with PIP now wether it is something relevant to your cycle is another question for me it’s my go to I guess anything will work but for PIP reduction the @Bigmurph or @Optumpharma without adding an actual compound could you not just buy a carrier oil and add it to what is causing the PIP. Then you wouldn’t be increasing you compounds or dosage just carrier oil we have at least one sponsor I know that sells the oils buy themselves
Yes you can add carrier oil just make sure its definitely the same type of carrier oil. That’s to a shot I believe if you add it to the vial product would probably crash.
I’ve never brewed so not my strongest area of what would happen.
West Covina has a bunch of Filipino places. I used to live over there. Bunch of mom and pop places, they got a jollibee too
I found seafood city and a few other places already. Am in North Ridge. Found a gym that’s open too. Amazing!!! Most gyms here temporarily closed but this place is serious. Never seen more jacked dudes in one place. Bet a lot of gear going around this joint lmao
Yeah it’s hard to find any good Mexican food out here in the Midwest. Nothing like california mexican food. I’m sure texas probably has some good food there to.
Hahahaha. @Dirtnasty. I can just imagine were are all sitting down talking about this or that. Then you always randomly just say something like that. “I like to eat Mexicans”. Lmao
Yup. Beautiful mountains all around here. One girl was telling me how she would love to know what cold feels like and see snow. I asked if it ever snows here in the mountains. She said she’s never beeen. How can you live here your whole life and look at those majestic beasts and never go touch one.
Ive been to the mountain top:rofl:🤣🤣
… but nah i hear you bro… Laziness… Or constant weed and alcohol mixed with laziness… Minds too occupied to care about the wonders of nature
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