SB Labs

Trouble with Tren and cardio

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I get advair I think it is prescribed I do t know if it’s similar but it sure seems to help with the tren and agitation I tend to avoid tren because of it aggravating my lungs got allergies and such
I have experience utilizing Tren Ace, and Tren Hex.

I’ve seen wonderful gains in strength and mass.

What I’m more-so impressed by is how the shit literally incinerates fat and gives you a bad ass 3-D look if that makes any sense. (Maybe the “3-D” look is just the muscles being full and with less fat around them).

As far as tren cough, I’ve never experienced that.

The only thing that is unbearable to me is the night sweats. I’m drenched and my sheets are gross, and my wife makes me sleep in the guest bedroom. 😂

But yeah, I’ve found the proper dosage where I don’t break out.

Now if I can only figure out this Tren dick thingy… lol
If I’m on tren and say had a cheat meal with big ole greasy burger or some ice cream and brownies for me I know I will sweat that night I finish the evening with two scoops optimum nutrition protein 8 ounces of almond milk a banana and a few blueberries or strawberries and a serving of peanut butter in the blender with some ice and have good luck while on tren. But that’s just my phat ass
So it doesn’t help my situation any, but I eat way to close to bed time, and i swear any compound I might use adds to my night sweats.
When on tren the first heavy set of legs I do always causes me to feel like I can’t catch my breath. Once I sit down and relax I’m fine after that. Kinda scary at first though.
Ha ha yup, it’s funny you say that cause I’m away from home at the moment and my mom is watching house takin care a dogs, and I specifically told her and wrote it down that the hamster get PB every night
He needs to do them,that little shit is round,and lazy, needs to do more cardio in his wheel.
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