TRT/Primo/Winstrol Cycle Log

What’s up!!.. Here’s my monthly check-in on this cycle. So this morning I weight 214. My weight has dropped 8 pounds in one month but my strength has increase. I’ve really reduced my caloric intake down to about 1500-1800 per day. While I’ve not noticeably put on a lot of muscle, I am much more defined and starting to chisel away at my abs. The primo seems to really do the trick in terms of protecting the muscle while in a deficit.

I actually hit a PR last week on bench (320). This was higher than my previous PR on a test/mast/tren cycle, but that’s because it’s a cumulative effect, not comparative. I’ve just built more muscle since that last cycle. … I’m still keeping the proviron, and may add some anavar at the end to finish it off (not decided yet).

So far, this is the cleanest cycle I’ve done in terms of side effects. I can’t really note anything being ‘off’. I’ll be doing some bloods here soon, so I’ll update with that as well.

Thank you all for your support and guidance. Let’s keep rocking and rolling!
Well, I am now 3 months into this cycle. Unfortunately, I had a bout with COVID for the past 3 weeks, so my stats are pretty much the same as last month. I was able to hit the gym again yesterday, so hoping I make some more progress over the next month. My weight was 217 this morning, so I’m still hoping to continue cutting.

I predict the next 4 weeks the Primo will start to shine. Let’s hope so!
I did not. It was from the Balkan Pharma labs, so I’m assuming it is legit based off of that. I may pickup a roidtest just to be sure. Thanks for the tip!
Alright my friends… Here’s my update after 17 weeks…

I’m up to 224

Put on an inch on Quads, Chest, and half inch on arms

Lost one inch on belly and waist

I’ve got 3-4 weeks left, and overall I"m really pleased with this cycle.

I changed my workout program at week 16 to go back to strength training and logging my lifts. I abandoned the strength training approach midway through lockdown and focused on mind/muscle connection, low weights, and time under tension for about the past six months.

Here’s the kicker - When I changed to low reps, high weights, and logging, I’ve seen tremendous gains. Now - I’m wondering is that because the Primo just started to shine at Week 16, or is it because my body responds better to strength training? … What are your all’s thoughts? I’d say it’s a combination effect, but I’d like to hear your all’s experiences and thoughts.

Thanks so much for helping keep me accountable and sustaining such a great forum.
What kind of gains brother? When you switched to low rep strength did you see gains in size or strength or both?
jglenn44 said:
Primo just started to shine at Week 16, or is it because my body responds better to strength training? …
Primo shines in wk 2 honestly its not huge gains but with the enanthate ester it doesn’t take that long its just a myth that it takes a long time to work. I believe that it comes from people running it for extended periods of time. People started to believe that it took along time to start working like EQ would.
Mostly strength brother… For example, last week I did 85lb. DB press for 8 reps, earlier today I did 90lbs. for 13 reps. It’s just crazy how the strength went up over the past 7 days. Unfortunately, I haven’t been logging my lifts since COVID and got out of going for progressive overload. I’ve learned my lesson. … Also, size has went up too. 1 inch on chest and quads, 1/2 on arms.
That makes sense… I’ve enjoyed the Primo ride. The only other compound (outside test) I’m seriously considering for the next run down the road is EQ. I’ve seen some pretty good reviews with that. … I’d say the gains of late I’ve experienced may have mostly to do with my training protocol perhaps. Listen, I’ve learned my lesson - got to log weights and do progressive overload. On the plus side, I’ve really nailed down my form over the past 8 months. Cheers brother.
I’m thinking that you went straight hypertrophy for a while which is not a bad thing. Gave your body a break from the progressive overload which is basically “piling weight on your body”. Now you’re kind of “recovered” and your realizing a rebound.

You’ve kind of taken a long active deload and reaping the benefits.

That’s my guess.
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