SB Labs

Unicornz Logger 2 month trial

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Thanks @JLee will start measuring along with the chicken… @Rusty all that fuckin your doing when do you got time to eat… @Poppy sounds good bro… Never had fish and shrimp but I’ve torn up some fish and grits… And as you can tell by my log my carbs are fluctuating between 250 and 270… Which is little guy carbs… 🤣… So I guess you got your restricted your little guy then whatever comes up after that… Thanks yall…
Nice simple 25gram protein meal… Everything is irrelevant… Ditch the lettuce add fresh chopped cilantro…youll thank me…


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Alright well i put in my 60 last week… So me and the misses headed out for breakfast…well earned i say…
( And as i look above in the recent taco picture… That left calf look pretTY round… Of course im just the logger its on yall to say…😏)
You see that Gap from the big toe from the rest of the toes… I had a sixth toe… Same thing on the other foot too…
I got 11 to go unless they send me
Home early free meal hear in an hour my ex/currentgf we are Going to see
If we
Work when I’m sober has a plate for me and I have chicken and rice in lunch box. I’ll be 300 by midnight
May have to do clen before power lift meat i May actually go above my weight limit. Hahah
I go hard on every cycle and will go even harder in the further. How hard harder than last time
Well cant be stupid with it. So ill double up. Other compounds i wont speak on but test ill run 1000 to 1250 pw. Its not a crazy amount but depending on that one ill up it again come Christmas…
I like 1200 I think this up coming year I’m going to to do 2000 test only just to see
Yeah dawg. Im going to keep the other doses to myself not to promote any crazyness. We are our own science experiment and i want to push the limits a little further. But i will say the plan is to use test e, mast p, tren ace, dbol, eq, anavar , test prop, deca all in different phases in the cycle…
That’s a lot of stuff bro. May I recommend getting a blood pressure machine having your doc Test it to make sure it’s accurate. And then testing your BP a few
Times a day. Maybe get your cholesterol checked after 4 weeks as well as the normal
Blood stuff
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