SB Labs

Unicornz Logger 2 month trial

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Day 19 Back. 250 Test C

Sorry guys keep forgetting my log book. Blame it on the 12 hour shifts. So by memory i have

1 warm up set bent over Smith machine row
Working sets 5x11-15
Close grip cables row 4x15
Same attachment but pull downs 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 4x15
Standing Bent over reverse db flys 4x10
Some good vascularity coming off the front delt on those db flys
T bar 4x10
Straight arm pull down 4x15
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I honestly feel a better pump than your standard barbell brother. Now that i think about it im going to try it with the cable next… Thanks for the idea…
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They say chicken thighs are high in fat… I say these scissors are sharp …No Problemo…

Fat content of seven thighs
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Day 20 rest

Sorry I have not posted food content for the last 2 days …but I will for today… But as for my food content for the last two days they consisted of grits …chicken and rice for three meals and then shepherd’s pie… That was day before yesterday… And yesterday grits and shepherd’s pie with 93% lean beef for four meals… I can guaran-damn-tee you that those last two days we’re less than 50 grams of fat per day as far as the other content well…fuck it…water water… Gatorade water…
We’ll post today’s food content like I said today I’m taking a day off from working out as well as off day from work… scheduled of course…

ALSO on a side note…when im nice and pumped there is some good lightning strike vascularity on my shoulders… as well as Random muscle pumpness and fullness when im relaxed chilling at the house. Should i continue my log this way??? Or just let you know when i pin?..
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My opinion is anyone can stick chems in their body.

Dialing in your diet and training is the art of it.
Appreciate it @Poppy i was actually writing down my intake so far today. I am treating this log like a part time job. Not that it takes that long. But after i write shit down i need to go to the cabinet see whats what and then write that down. And after everything is in order sum it up. Thanks for the feedback will continue on best i can. Got 9 days till Tren time. I aint counting down till Christmas 😏


No need get too flashy. I think the outline in the 2x is
well enough. About 45 more days left on the 🦄 log…
I’ve been following and am very interested. If you have lightning veins now just wait for the Tren to kick in. I am enjoying this and very much considering using @UnicornLabz for my next cycle. So please continue!!
Im just short brother…no method eat sleep job workout… with the occasional pin… Elaborate more… This method??
Ok so food intake as far as day 20 is concerned…

Protein 215
Carbohydrates 265
Fats 65
Calories 2700-2900

Yes i have kept the fats at least under 70 g or less past 4 days. Going to learn some different routes to keep it around 50g and below. See if it does anything drastic in a month. Guess tomorrow itll be one less day till trenathon…have a good night yall…
I use the pinch test with a caliper. There is a three point method a five point and a seven point. The seven point is the most accurate. It uses abdomen back chest tricep quad oblique and one other can’t remember off top of my head

This one
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All i did was shrugs and calf work. So these bad boys really aint pumped. Actual delt exercises though you can hear garth brooks when the thunder rolls…and the lightning strikes!!
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