Day 19 Back. 250 Test C
Sorry guys keep forgetting my log book. Blame it on the 12 hour shifts. So by memory i have
1 warm up set bent over Smith machine row
Working sets 5x11-15
Close grip cables row 4x15
Same attachment but pull downs 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 4x15
Standing Bent over reverse db flys 4x10
Some good vascularity coming off the front delt on those db flys
T bar 4x10
Straight arm pull down 4x15
Sorry guys keep forgetting my log book. Blame it on the 12 hour shifts. So by memory i have
1 warm up set bent over Smith machine row
Working sets 5x11-15
Close grip cables row 4x15
Same attachment but pull downs 4x15
Wide grip lat pulldown 4x15
Standing Bent over reverse db flys 4x10
Some good vascularity coming off the front delt on those db flys
T bar 4x10
Straight arm pull down 4x15
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