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USPS delay issue problems

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I was thinking the same, the vaccine having an issue with the delays but that’s “crazy” huh. I swear. I told them exactly this was a government issue and they just kept repeating the same bs. Apparently the weather affects shipments even if your city wasn’t affected. Shitty part on them
Yup don’t even try to speak to an agent, get a copy n paste answer through a phone call that’ll guarantee you punching a hole in the wall.
Its bad there in a really bad spot because if the mail is backed up by a month than its going to take awhile to un fuck the system.
Got a new one: three separate packages have been marked “out for delivery” for FOUR DAYS IN A ROW and they haven’t been delivered… meaning the mail hasn’t even been delivered in 4 days here.

I mean… come on.
Usps is civil servants…I’m in my 4th decade being one and/or being affiliated with civil servants.

I don’t have enough breath left in this life to explain how messed up federal civil service is. Y’all are just seeing the tip of the iceberg…had a big storm…yeah that’s what we’ll say THIS time…next month it’ll be something else an so on. Not just the usps…all fed civil servants.
Oh I believe it. The experience has been quite interesting with this “storm” that happened however long ago. I usually don’t get frustrated but 4 days on the truck and NO ONE has delivered that mail in 4 days? Come on.
I got Christmas cards postmarked dec 15 in mid/late jan. The storm was just convenient.

I’m having a bad day at work “discussing” things with a civil servant soooo my attitude is completely skewed at the moment. Hahaha
The other day I went to pick up my daughter from school early and anUSPS truck was in front of me at the school. He pulled in with his back door open and boxes literally tipped over and resting on the bumper. I sat and watched him get out of his truck run some things in the school and get back in his truck and drive away with the door still opened. It was opened when he arrived and opened when he left. He must’ve had the schools packages on his front seat cause he never walked around to the back of his truck. I envisioned one of our special packages being on that bumper and falling off and getting into the hands of the wrong person with one of our addresses on it. I quickly followed behind him honking my horn and flashing my lights. It took him a couple turns before he finally pulled over and he got out of his truck like he was mad at me. I pointed to the back and he walked around and saw what he was doing. He fixed it and thanked me and drove away. I should’ve took a picture. That is just gross neglect in my book!!
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