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Hey Rusty…just saw this. Regarding T3, there is a feedback loop between T4 and T3. So maybe looking at supplements that influence T4 production can bring you back into balance. Also, I have had read research that using large doses of gear, over 200 mg per day, impacts that loop. Since your body can only utilize, I’ve read only 125 mg of testosterone or it’s derivatives but I think that is extremely conservative, a certain amount of hormones the amount that can’t be utilized is stored in fat cells. This in turn directly impacts the T3/T4 conversions. Something to think about. I’ll look into T4 regulation and see if there is a supplement that can push you along.
Well Poppy…in addition to the Cypionate, I “supplement” with 150 mg of Deca per week. Plus 400 mg of Primobolan weekly. Also, I take a mixture of Ipamorelin/Mod GRF 1-19 at a dosage of 200 mcg each twice per day on a five day schedule. Once my current vial of Deca is finished, don’t want to waste anything, I will start a TestProp and NPP mixture on 100 mg each three times per week. In addition I just started taking 25 mg of Anavar an hour before the gym. I do a shit ton of research on gear and a firm believer in using it to achieve goals. If done wisely and with the realization that “more” isn’t necessarily better, it’s a game changer.
Thanks bro. Haven’t tried the t3 yet. But I want to if I know there is a way to get it going again if it shuts down. However a couple guys on here have chimed in on another thread and said that when they took it that it made them feel in the top 5 worst feelings of their lives. If that’s the case I don’t want to do it anyways. I have addiction issues and feeling like that will definitely cause me to fall off the wagon.
Amazes me how diverse the age groups are, on these forums. I wonder what I’ll be doing if I make it to 50. 20 years from now, what information will be out there.

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