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Vice President goes to Hospital after meeting Texas Dems

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We know that a couple of the Texas dems did have coronavirus and the Vice President after meeting with them went to the hospital and has been MIA ever since.

I believe that she either caught covid fully vaccinated or the reason she is always wearing a mask still is that she won’t take the vaccine and now got covid.

They will never admit that she was unvaccinated and I don’t even believe that they will admit she got covid.

It would be a disaster either way for the administration because either the vice president wouldn’t get vaccinated which will pump the brakes on everyone else getting vaccinated or
It could also show that the vaccines aren’t working. Either way is really bad visibility for them

I still believe that this outbreak is from the migrants from the border they bussed them all into states now seeing increases so I believe that when you wanna blame someone the two worst leaders ever are to blame.

I want to know where is the VP and what’s her status
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When migrants come into the country shouldn’t they be vaccinated before releasing them into the public??

We shouldn’t accept unvaccinated individuals to openly just come into the country.

You might disagree but we almost had covid beat until a million migrants were released into the country.
Your 100% correct they have now seeded areas with migrant voters and they need to keep covid going until after 2022 so they all don’t get voted out of office.

They want us all to continue wearing masks hell no they want to take away our identity by covering our faces.

This is strategic because no one can possibly be so stupid
Thunder said:
doing so is an act of treason
They and others have committed treason against America. I believe that collaborators watch out because when Americans find out what they did they will go to prison or be hung on the capital steps depending upon how mad Americans actually get but I believe that an uprising is definitely possible.
As long as covid is rampant and outbreaks continue to happen in other countries, this country is at risk. There’s hundreds of airports here, with thousands of flights coming in.

In other words, soooo many variables and mitigating factors as to why covid is on the rise again here - not just because of people coming over the southern borders.

How about the millions of people who thought it was a hoax and never got serious about it? Some probably still do think it’s a hoax.
And now the narrative is to blame the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are the scapegoats this go around smh
BX-madman said:
There’s hundreds of airports here, with thousands of flights coming in.
This is another issue I believe that we should require travel to America to require a vaccine but I believe that Americans should have the right to choose
BX-madman said:
not just because of people coming over the southern borders.
This isn’t what I meant I apologize if that’s how it seemed it was the first reason to write because I was talking about Texas dems.
Its definitely not a hoax there are millions of dead people I don’t believe that anyone can say its a hoax but some still try to say the holocaust didn’t happen there’s crazy out there for sure
Not when new news like the vice president might have covid.
That’s serious news if she god forbid passed away Nancy Pelosi becomes vice president.
It’s definitely possible. The biggest benefit of being vaccinated is that it greatly decreases the risk of severe disease. That’s why as cases pump back up, deaths are much lower this time. And that’s why I think even if we get back into the 100,000+ cases a day range we probably won’t see our hospitals as crippled as the first go around. No scientist has ever claimed that the vaccine is a 100% way of preventing the disease, just like you can still get pregnant on birth control. As far as her going to the D.C hospital and disappearing, most high level politicians go to these government hospitals for all their healthcare needs, they’re highly secure, and used to dealing with high level figures, imagine going to your local walk in clinic and seeing the president, it couldn’t happen, it’s too disruptive. And the fact that she disappeared, who knows, the two of them tend to disappear a lot lol.
Its true but yes a real vaccine and not an immunity booster does prevent against disease but the pharma companies are going to make so much money off of covid.

The top govt officials always go to Walter Reed while in Washington.

They really need to stop fear mongering though and tell us the truth which we haven’t gotten from the beginning even from Trump
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Several hospitals in Missouri are out of ventilators and throwing out covid crisis contracts. I just got a call from a crisis nursing company for Columbia, MO. Crisis contracts in Colorado, Texas and California as we speak. All for the icu. Hospitals are starting to get schwacked all over again.
Agreed, when talking about government I like to remember Occam’s razor: the simplest explanation is usually the best. And Hanlons razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
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