Want to start a cycle not sure where to start

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So I’m 30 5’8 and 185. I’m wanting to start my first cycle and thinking test but I need advice on how much to run how to wean basically everything
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Welcome, get bloodwork 1st to get a snapshot of how your body is natty first, but yeah test @ 500wk is where you will probably start
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Welcome to the board. You got some good advice. Make sure you have aromatase inhibitors and PCT before you start. Blood work is important to k ow how everything is working and that you are staying generally healthy.
This of course is going to be a journey for you so I made this post your introduction. Now you can start a new topic whenever you have a question.
You can also use the magnifying glass if you would like just type in whatever you want to know about and it will give you access to everything that has ever been posted here with that word in it its a great resource and is separate from Google.

Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around and hit me up anytime @ bigmurph @Bigmurph
Most important thing is your diet if you want to get bigger your going to need to eat more.
Figure out your BMI your Bf% and see how much you would need to eat to be in a calorie surplus.
Start there and then once you have your diet dialed in then work on your training program. Either get a program from a real coach or follow a log that you believe is good for you there are multiple apps and we even have multiple members logs that you can follow at ugm by going to the members logs category. Alot to learn here read around a bit also

Good luck and good gains brother
This is the exact reason that we created ugmuscle so that no one would ever have to be treated like that just for asking a question on a website were your supposed to ask questions lol
I could never figure out some of the other forums lol
Glad to have you around brother and im happy to help so is everyone else hit me up anytime.
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