Whats yalls plan for the 4th

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Propane is expensive compared to nat gas. But I liked the idea of being isolated just in case the pipeline has issues. Not that it happens often but it does.
For sure our system needed to be rebuilt in the early 80’s, but we just keep patching it. Plus, doesn’t help with all the green energy bs. That hurts a lot. Sadly we need more nuclear plants. Most efficient and cleanest, but who wants a nuke in their town.
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woodwalker1889 said:
Plus, doesn’t help with all the green energy bs.
Were wasting increble amounts of money and we know that we don’t need green bs we have tech that doesn’t require oil and isn’t windmills or solar. Nuclear power but you know that bill gates just designed a new efficient and less waste nuclear reactor I believe he is trying to build in china wtf why don’t we use it here its water and steam that lasts forever smh why do we need green energy? That’s right it makes dems rich sense Al Gore
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