Where do you fine the best muscles to inject into

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New member
Hi was wondering what muscle group that you fine the easiest to inject into my next cycle will see me injecting 7 days a week but it’s small dosage. I don’t want to be hitting the same spot all the time and I used
to use my leg but hit a vain one time and it’s put the wind up me. That leads me onto does any of you draw when the needle is in to see if you hit a vain. I heard never draw and others saying yes draw so whats your verdict. I also find the Gluteus sore at times.
I rotate delts, glutes and occasionally quads. A lot of guys use other muscles as well, but this has always been fine for me. I didn’t see much of an intro bro, you should post some stats and experience. We’re glad to have you aboard, welcome.
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Really just gotta try different spots and fine what works for you. Google different sites do some research and should be good to go.
I use delts, middle quads, and the split in between the quad and ham. Glutes are my preference when I use 3ml 23 gauge 1 1/2” pins. Currently, I only have insulin pins so I can’t do glutes. My ass is too fat to get it in the muscle, unfortunately. 😂

Thanks for the advice seems deltoids is working best for me. Tried the arse the other day and yes yet again could hardly walk the next day. I then fine that size say the left or right is sore for a few days. Maybe my arse doesn’t like sharp japs. 😂 am on a day on day of cycle so I have shoulders like boulders before it’s over. 😂 Hope your all well and keeping out of harms way of the virus lucky enough I work in foreign lands and where on lock down so not near any of the local people.
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