Will Trump be convicted or be unable to run?

Everyone says that dc is a swamp… politicians are all crooked…

Along comes an outsider that both sides dems and rep politicians hate… hate so bad that they mobilized the doj… fbi… irs… several federal and state court jurisdictions… just to ramrod him.

One has to ponder the fact that the outsider actually did a pretty good job leading the country in pretty much a nonbias way with no allegiance to either side… the system and all its crooks pulled out all stops to get him out of office.

My opinion is: if the outsider is so hated by the crooks running the country then he must be doing what the elected officials are supposed to be doing… help us/the country with no personal agenda… no personal gain.

Presently the country has arguably the most corrupt swamp dwellers in U.S. history. A full fledged career politician
Of course the general public is willing to live with what most folk’s would deem intolerable conditions for some reason…

I present to you

Chicagoland Baltimore Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles Philadelphia New York City etc etc etc… these places do not effect me one iota and they can vote as they please. I can tell you there’s no retailers pulling up stakes around my little are due to excessive theft and the violence that goes with it. I also don’t have to beware of human poop or used syringes littering the walkways.

There’s actual factual statistics out there that will show just how (I’ll use the word) STUPID those folks are…they can live in their sh*tholes and vote the way they please to keep it that way. I’m good with it.
When that gaggle of black cops beat that young black kid to death for no reason… al I have a scheme sharpton called it racism…

Blahahaha I’ll use another word… those that follow sharpton are just plain retarded.
72 hours…it took you to respond.,what do you think,I’m gonna jump in your arms and say how much I miss you,and thank you for your post? NO SIR.
5 years ago or so… anyone disputing the hordes coming across the southern border was labeled a racist xenophobe.

All the liberal cess pool cities said we’re sanctuary cities send all them poor folks to us… now they’re overrun and the system is bogged down with illegals and the liberals are complaining that they’re not being supported nearly as good as the border jumpers are. They gotta go…

You just can’t make that up!!!
One thing about my leftist brothers and sisters is they don’t look at the history or the numbers of what they think is a so called problem.

It’s almost too easy. But they’ll just resort to shouting and screaming….you can lay out the numbers in front of them and they’ll just get mad and call names. Sooooo that’s what I’ve resorted to doing.

When slick willy was president… a large minority group came to him with a legitimate problem. Their kids were getting gunned down in the ghettos wholesale… him and then senator bungles passed a crime bill locking those aholes up. As everyone knows the majority of the crime is in the minority ghettos so those getting locked up were the local population. Neighbor hoods got a little safer…

fast fwd to after obama era when big orange was running the first time… the same minority group was claiming that the prisons are full of said minority and it isn’t right.

Present day… the liberal da’s in said cess pools are letting the criminals off and turning a blind eye to all sorts of nasties… in the name of racial “equity”…cess pools are overrun with crime and many retailers are pulling up stakes and leaving.

This segways into “there’s no good super markets in the ghetto and those folks can’t get quality food”…. Nooooo the good stores either left due to shoplifting loss or were burned down.
Well said. But take it a step further. Ignorance breeds crime. Even further willingly ignorant politicians that understand what’s going on but don’t care other then winning elections breeds crime. The ones saying they are supporting the minorities are the ones exploiting them
Yeah I gotta shut up. My thoughts don’t mean one thing.

I do know lots of good folks in the cities but it’s the politicians that are wreaking havoc.