SB Labs

2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup

I’m gonna be starting a longer cycle soon, just did a small one with ment, but all your primo talk and not just recently, that and npp I know you like a lot,makes me want to acquire some primo, but I’m also sure it will give me pip,makes it hard to get a bunch,maybe just get npp,haven’t used that in a long time.
So with primo you can use a small dose like 400mg a wk. You wait for the right deal where you can get primo 50% off.
Each bottle is 5wks at 200mg/ml so you need 4 vials or if you get the bm amps you will need 200 amps for 20wks. Then might as well get the testoviron bm amps also they have a great lineup.
Nothing wrong with npp im going to run the ultrabol from Dutch very soon actually
Its a blend of 100mg of test prop 100mg npp 100mg mast prop
Im going to inj eod 1ml for atleast 80 days maybe more but I only want to do 4 but im feeling 5 vials might be best.
How you gonna run your npp run?
I will run around 400 week, eod, test @ 600 week, proviron, Adex, and a little superD in there somewhere
John… I too have never ran primo … but curious and wanting to give it a go… loving the NNP while dropping down in weight … down weight yet still feeling full.
I don’t think that you should even run the primo to be honest brother I would run your npp cycle with everything else then when you go to your cruise add in primo with the small amount of testosterone and you will feel amazing and make some good gains then pct off. I would use a strong pct aromasin, nolvadex, clomiphene. Hcg hmg or if you can get some real triptorelin its really hard to get but we did an experiment about best way to run pct and 6 guys did bloodwork so we could see how the hcg compared to the clomiphene and nolvadex plus the triptorelin was surprising.
That most likely is what I’m going to do, but I don’t typically cruise, I’m on or off cycle, granted I did just run a small one, so I don’t even know what you would call the in between, bridging maybe, that’s not my norm, and I’m not prepared as normal either, which is also unusual for me.
I will be using a vial of primo from sym but I believe im going to try a different lab for my orals.
I don’t even have them yet im not sure who I want to use at the moment. Alot of good choices lol its hard to decide lol
This is how you drain a vial you don’t leave a drop just maybe some residue lol


I used a filtered pin to pull the rest because the stopper was starting to fall apart. Pulled crystal clear and I will pin later today. Here is what a filtered pin looks like. Its just a tiny filter for pulling from amps or from pulling oils that might have a piece of the rubber stopper in the vial.


On to the next one

Thanks @Bigmurph, I’m gonna have to grab a few, I use a 20g to pull most of time cus it’s what I’ve got extra, by the time I get to the end of a vial I’m always holding it up to the light and making sure no stopper or anything has made its way in!