SB Labs

As everyone calls for more gun control what about the guns that have saved people?

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This is a YouTube video that most people won’t talk about because it was a positive concealed carry story that saved hundreds.
One good guy with a gun who is trained and responsible can save your life.
So while alot of people around the world are trying to get rid of all the guns remember that once all the good guys don’t have guns to protect those who doesn’t carry. You will have to wait up to 15 minutes for a response from a law enforcement officer or agency.
So if only bad guys have guns make your plan of what you’re going to do while waiting for someone to come help when someone can already be there to help. Even you yourself can become a responsible gun owner and get trained to save others.
I definitely don’t want every nut who wants to shot someone carrying a gun either.
Just remember if you’re against guns that’s ok but if something happens you might want someone there to be carrying and shooting back at the bad guy.
This is how the officer in Colorado that gave his life heroically acted and thank god he did and he saved many people. God bless him and his family.

God bless all those who have lost anyone to gun violence. Please responsible gun owners keep your firearms secure. Its stolen firearms that are fueling this fire against guns. If guns aren’t able to be stolen young individuals won’t have access to guns and I believe that just this no more laws would honestly decrease gun violence and possibly save young teens from being gunned down. There stealing most firearms from cars so if you keep your gun in your car please stop and bring it in at night and out in the morning.
Just this might help stop this insanity against owning guns around the world.
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IIRC, it was a guy who was legally carrying that stopped the shooting that almost killed that lady senator, Giffords…
I have a permit to carry in my state, I got it so long ago it was initially a CCP, conceal and carry, which has since changed to open carry.
Yet they don’t talk about heroes who used there guns to save people for a week they only talk about bad guys using guns for bad reasons to demonize them its ridiculous in my opinion.

There are many stories about responsible gun owners saving themselves and others but you don’t see those stories on the news.
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My argument has always been … look at the whole process of driving an automobile. License…insurance…cops…it’s basically regulated every which way but loose.

BUT… there continues to be fatalities and dbags behind the wheel. You just can’t regulate something to be 100% safe.
That’s actually a great mediphor you can’t regulate problems away. They have to be solved and the biggest problem I see with solving the problem is that the people who know nothing about guns are trying to solve the problem.
Why not actually ask the NRA or any gun lobby how to fix this problem and let them come up with an answer. I don’t know that seems like the educated move in my book.

You don’t call a mechanic to solve your bug problems in your house so why have someone who knows nothing about guns decide how to solve the problem.
Their solution… print more money… inflation goes thru the roof.

My bride came home the other day with a small grocery trip…had it all on kitchen counter. It was disgusting what $200 doesn’t get you these days.

I honestly don’t know how kids (young adults) make it these days.
I did shopping myself 2 days ago I bought no protein just stocking up on water mio and other products I needed 180.00 I almost fell out at the register pre pandemic it would have been just above 100.00.
I have seen gas double almost and everything is priced so much higher even im realizing and only the wife usually notices this stuff.

I couldn’t agree more
So called “Stimulus” checks flowed out and are flowing for the current round. We (my family) do not qualify based on the line in the sand they drew, which I’m ok with, because it means that we are truly blessed with what we have.

Little do people pay attention to, is the fact that these stimulus checks are a moot point, because inflation has already been driven up due to this, along with fuel prices, etc…

I could go in and on with this subject, because I share a bed with a very smart Corporate Economist whom I have to listen to when shit like this happens and folks think the government will take care of people.
Ha! She is very passionate about her career for sure, but also very conservative and calls a spade a spade. She is one woman I would elect as President that would make most men these days look like pussies. For sure a keeper. Plus the fact that she puts up with my shenanigans for the last 20 years, along with 2 teenagers in the mix.

She’s on the board, but hasn’t posted much. You would definitely love chatting with her. Way smarter than I am when it comes to the economy, and scares me with what she knows is going to happen based on historical evidence of the path we are now walking down.
Don’t forget your history or your doomed to repeat it

I know that we could definitely talk. I love stuff like that predicting whats going to happen and ive got an alright record. I would love to hear her opinion on how much are economy is going to lose in the next 4-8yrs. Or if she believes that it will gain im even more interested lol
We got a butcher, baker a candlestick maker and now a corporate economist.

I would be very interested to hear her speak.
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I shall talk her into posting more, instead of just lurking and reading. Be careful for what y’all worship for though. She doesn’t stand down, which is another reason she’s awesome to me.

She originally joined because of me to gain some more knowledge in the women’s arena of diet, aas, and routines. But, not much gets posted on here in the women’s section. She’s fairly knowledgeable and can tear some shut up in the gym. Especially for her smaller frame. Kind of been on recovery road from hand/wrist surgery last March and then Gym’s closing, but is making a pretty steady comeback. One of the best workout partners I have ever worked out with.
Sounds to me like she could get all our female members posting because we definitely have female members who I see log on and read all the time. They tell me the same thing honestly that not enough women post but if all the females started posting they would have their own forum.

I reached out to one of the female members a bit ago. Never heard back. Years ago when I was training at a public gym. I noticed that in general the women trained much more focused than the men. I always found this interesting.
I have to agree with your observation @Poppy
We hit up two gyms in our area and the women for sure stay more focused in their workout routines than most of the men in general, which seems kind of odd, considering we try to front that we’re bad ass weight lifters. The female weightlifting team at our kids high school has won state 3 years in a row now for their high school division here in Florida, so it’s pretty serious around my county for women and weight lifting. Although, boys team at high school just won districts and are heading to state this year. Smaller county, but we do have 6 high schools, so not too shabby for a smaller town.

I’ll have to test that theory and have her start posting some things and see if it starts drawing some attention. She’s not shy, but might be that most like reading versus posting for some reason.
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