SB Labs

As everyone calls for more gun control what about the guns that have saved people?

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I never talked to the ladies in the gym. I was always curious as to their mindset…goals etc.
I believe that were just men and men with high testosterone levels I believe that women don’t want to be a part of ugmuscle because women and the lifestyle is so different they need there own forum and we do have that section. I believe that we still have that section if we had females posting there I will lock it off to only female members. It will be there’s and then they can still participate with us fellas also they just get their own category like military veterans.

I apologize to all women for naming it the ladies forum lets figure out a better name.

This is the category now its horrible I will make a real category for just women or females.
I don’t even like the name ladies I believe that it should be Women’s or Female’s category.

I will let a woman choose the new name.
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Let me brainstorm with the wife and make this great! @Bigmurph @Poppy I think this is a great idea. I’m hoping it takes off and that they’d be willing to share in our threads, as well, because there’s so much knowledge to be had. My wife teaches me and schools me almost every time we’re at the gym on things I never even thought of to better my lifts.
Libs also live in fantasy land where they don’t believe that human nature is flawed. They don’t have a pragmatic view of the world. Instead of accepting the reality that humans are capable of evil, they have to put the blame on something or assert that the perpetrator did what he did because he was some sort of victim. The root cause is evil, and unfortunately that is something that you cannot do a damn thing about. The only thing you can do is prepare yourself against it.
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SidTheSlothh said:
they have to put the blame on something or assert that the perpetrator did what he did because he was some sort of victim.
Ive actually been seeing this alot lately is this a new court defense or something? Everyone has a story most aren’t even good let alone perfect so you can’t claim you did bad because you were a victim. Vigilante were outlawed along time ago so that defense doesn’t work for me.
Washington state I believe… stealing is ok because you might be hungry or unemployed or something like that. I believe they’ve, recently, set precedence and may be become law.
There still rioting there in my opinion the west coast might become its own country eventually because there going far outside of federal laws and there going to lose funding on major things from the government.
I read an article years ago about cali wanting to secede. After they subtracted all the federally owned land, they weren’t left with as much as they thought. Like you said…subtract the federal dollars and there inability to make their own electricity and they won’t be as independent as they thought.

The “not in my backyard” mentality over the decades has mandated that they purchase electricity from neighboring states.
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