Creatine best brand and dosage

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So it seems many of the highschool kids here are into creatine now. My son is asking me questions about it. He has been doing research on the internet but we all know how that can be.

I don’t want him doing it on his own. He seems pretty determined that it is safe and effective.

What is a safe recommendation for dosage? What is a good brand that isn’t full of shit?

Any info on creatine and teenagers?

@Bigmurph @TBU @NeuroRN @Dirtnasty @Poppy anyone else??

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I always liked plain old creatine monohydrate, micronized, @ 5 g pre workout mixed with kool aid, however that was 20 years ago! I never worried about the load, you get a lot of it from food.
Save your money. You get just as much creatine from red meat. Plus being a teenager. If he eats like a bull and trains like a bull he will get big as a mofo. For young men in their teens its about diet and eating. A lot. He will grow without it. Plus it retains too much water for me. But if he were to use creatine. 5gr. In something with sugar. Gatorade etc. it carries better with the sweet stuff.
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This was one the key supplements we studied when I was a grad school student at Baylor. Darren Willoughby was my advisor and Rick Kreider was the department head (he probably is the most renowned expert in creative research. I published a couple articles on creating and my thesis project was to compare the use of different formulations on body composition, markers for protein synthesis, and the amount of creative taken up by muscle by doing muscle biopsy’s in the participants quads. We looked at plain creative monohydrate, creative + 10 day loading phase with simple carbohydrates (the thought was more would be taking up by muscle), and creative with a cinnamon extract that was new at the time and research then suggested cinnamon my activate insulin release thus increasing creatine absorption. You can find this information on pubmed. Other articles by Willoughby and Kreider are really good reads.

Ultimately we found no difference between any of the groups; the muscle creatine levels did increase in all groups nor any other measurements (physical and biochemical) we did in the lab. We also did a study when creatine ether ester (CEE) was popular and found the same results. While loading with high glycemic carbs did increase absorption faster, after 2 weeks levels were saturated in all groups. 5g daily of plain creative is all you need.

It is no magic bullet and definitely not even comparable to AAS. IMO creative does not have that much of an effect worth buying.
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I pretty much quit taking anything like that. It was just making expensive pee. Them young dudes (your son) just needs solid food.
Ya I know I keep preaching it to him but I think he just gonna do it with friends if I don’t set him up right. Then who knows what the hell he’s gonna do
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The only thing I ever got from creatine was high liver enzymes there was one brand that actually worked back in. The day it was N.O. Shogun creatine and nitric oxide I loved it but it would send my liver enzymes high too. I can’t say on the risk vs reward on high school kids but I would bet that any athletic high school kid would be using the most anabolic thing on earth ad it ain’t creatine it’s food their jpro ones are already wide ass open feed that beast and watch it grow I used to eat packs of lunch meat at one time breakfast lunch dinner and snacks in one day and grew like crazy with nothing bout 130 to 160 lbs I was only 167 when I got out of high school small compared to kids these days

I think this must be like the new version this ain’t it but looks close does anyone remember it There was some shit you sprayed under your tongue called the beast I think it would jack you up I don’t know what was in it haha but it had a raging. Gorilla tearing shit up on bottle
Ah I see grasshopper what has happened well I totally farmed that didn’t I. It’s cool your not a serial killer. … or do you have a van down by the river ?
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