Cutting up with COVID-19

I just always do broccoli bc of the protein. Idk any other greens that have that have such high amount. Bs lentils, but they can be hard to eat for me.
I like to use the Spring mix and I usually look for mango to cut it in with blueberries that’s the type of virtual balls I believe are good for me I do makes in black beans for protein I’m even mix it up with some of a guac and strawberries and I always keep some crasins around
I had a real good back and bicep workout today:

I did
  • 3 cable rows
  • 3 one arm cable rows
  • 3 barbell rows
  • 3 tbar rows
For bis I did
  • 3 sets standing EZ bar curls
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 2 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 2 sets static holds for 1 minute each
Today I’m shooting for 4 protein shakes and 3 food meals.
This morning i took

2ccs sustanon

1cc deca

I’m doing this every 5 days.

I look much bigger and more full now that I upped my sodium.
I’ve been contemplating going your route but using test e,decca, tbol and proviron.
Trying to get everything figured out you have had a solid routine for awhile now ive been off for months now def low t ive been dealing with it, sucks so its time to get going again for me.

Solid workout brother and glad your still going brother keep killing it
After I took 9 1/2 months off AAS I started with 15mg test prop per day. It hit so hard it scared me because I raged real easy and was all emotional like a psychopath. Then over time I worked up to 250mg sustanon with 100mg deca. Now I’m on 700mg sustanon/test cyp and 420mg deca. I love this dose but this is 1 year and 9 months straight of staying on AAS.
It makes sense though, I’m long over due to pct, then take a actual break, like a month of nothin, then go to a cycle
I had a nice delt workout. I have to keep volume fairly low or my delts ache all week lately. Just got home. Job to make a 1/2Lb London broil sandwich.

  • 7 sets lateral dumbbell raises pyramiding up and back down so only one set was heavy.
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell laterals seated on a bench
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises with thumbs up
  • 3 sets dumbbell shrugs
I had a good chest workout. I didn’t have enough energy for triceps so I just did 3 sets to get blood in them. I’ll do another arm day on Thursday or Friday.

  • 4 sets inclined press
  • 3 sets fly machine
  • 3 sets flat cheat press
  • 3 sets pec deck elbows down
  • 3 sets pec deck elbows up
  • 3 sets dips
  • 3 sets rope tricep push downs