Cutting up with COVID-19

Just had a good back and biceps workout. I’ve been dragging ass for 4 days so I only did 9 heavy sets of back and 3 good sets of bis. I’ll do arms by themselves probably on Friday. I looked real full after last night’s cheat meal.
  • 3 sets hammer strength one arm rows 2 plates each side concentrating on a good contraction for 16 reps
  • 3 sets tbar row machine with 3 plates for 12 reps
  • 3 sets cable rows 200Lbs 13 reps each
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls 18 reps, (13 regular style and 5 hammer style)
I just hit some delts and traps. I keep my delt workout quick without a lot of volume because my delts are pretty messed up from years of injuries:

  • 6 sets dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets dumbbell shrugs
I just started training arms twice a week. One day is biceps and triceps only.

Then I also do one tricep exercise on chest day and one bicep exercise on back day. My arms look more full this week so far. I cut the volume back on the arm only day to not overtrain. This is what I did today:

  • 4 sets standing EZ bar cutl
  • 2 sets preacher curl machine with both arms for 8 reps then 5 reps single arm to get maximum pump
  • 3 sets one arm cable curl
  • 2 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 4 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets giant sets with one arm push downs reverse grip, overhand grip, and hammer grip
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
LEG DAY:I just got done training legs. It was busy so I found a leg press I’ve never used before. It had a small platform and you move your body like a hack squat. It was different. I love new machines that my body isn’t used to.
  • 4 lying leg curls
  • 4 leg press
  • 4 butt push back machine
  • 4 leg extensions
  • 3 horizontal calf raises
  • 3 seated calf raises
I use the EZ bar because my elbows are so bad with arthritis that both arms can never straighten out. They’re permanently bent. The EZ bar feels a little better for me.
Happy Sunday UGM brothers!

Time to get my Sunday morning cheat meal: pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, sour dough toast with butter and jelly and maybe peanut butter, and orange juice. 😀
Maybe I should get one, I don’t actually use the straight bar that often for curls I like other things better, preachers and hammers, mostly I use straight bar for military press