Cutting up with COVID-19

BACK with a little biceps:

- 4 sets barbell rows

- 4 sets tbar rows

- 4 sets hammer strength rows

- 4 sets one arm cable rows

- 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls for 12 reps plus 5 reps of hammer curls at the end

*** real good pump due to cheat meals since company was staying with us.**
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I did delts, traps, and abs.
  • 8 sets dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs
  • standing rope crunches for abs
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No you hit forearm ,bicep, tricep and grip strength every time you do hammer curls.

I actually use a rope and a straight bar to roll the rope up with weight attached and then back down those always hit my forearms hard that’s a great forearm only exercise if you were interested in something @Dirtnasty.

Do you do alot of back exercises and that helps your forearms grow?
Im just curious honestly if I can do something different
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I mean I work the back pretty hard and they have grown soon I’ll start to do more work with out straps as well to get grip strength cause what’s the point of pulling 700 if I can’t do it in comp cause
Of grip