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Daily thread July 11 2020

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TG said:
I’m spoiled working out in socks at gym or barefoot at home. Makes it so much better for me.
Same, a trainer owns my gym and he encourages it. He’s also not going to let anybody tell us that we have to wear masks while working out, like every other gym in Texas. Absolutely love the place, during the last shutdown he would leave equipment outside to use. Hell of a guy, and a great gym. It’s. Bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman training facility so they have all kinds of stuff you wouldn’t find in a regular gym. Stones, fat dumbbells, and every specialty bar made by kabuki strength that really help with my shoulders for presses, squats and deadlifts, and a belt squat machine made by Wenner. The place has changed my life as far as lifting goes.
Can’t do the xanax. When I run out I’m crazier than without them but lots of weed and dabs do the trick. Everything I roll now has some wax or crumble of some sort in it.
Holy hell man 8 kids well we know your balls didn’t shrink did they I got one and he is a handful 8 of him and I would pull the one hair I got left out I bet it makes for some good times I come from a broken home and I can remember always envying people who ate together and had holidays together and stuff I’m not any good at it but I try like hell to do it for my son so that he doesn’t experience what I have do you have milk maids or nannies or midwife or anything
I had parents but didn’t have parents at the same time. We never had much. I remember eating crackers and bread with different condiments. Pretty much raised my two younger brothers from the time I was about 11. I’m trying to do things different for mine. All 8 of them. We go through a lot of chicken and cow. It’s just the wife and I. She’s a strong woman to be young. She raises 4 of the 8 like she gave them birth.
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I got mad respect for both of you that’s a non stop event. I see parents give up on one and five girls on top of that which means you got to worry about all the the little wieners coming around I just have to teach mine to keep it in his pants
Ha ha @Outlawthing teach him to keep it in his pants, judging by some of the conversations you partake in here, he is most likely not gonna keep it contained.
Luckily my boys are the oldest. So hopefully they watch out for their little sisters. They go 13, 10, 9, 8, 4,3,2, and 6 month old. It’s rough and they’re all nosey. I wouldn’t trade them for the world though.
I can tell you this he will play hell trying cause I am well versed in the art of hide the wiener been there done it. He gonna hate life when that little thing gets to tingling cause daddy gonna be on him like a rat on a Cheeto double dates with daddy !!!
Ha ha, not me I was a late bloomer, but even then, I’ve never chased pussy, I would take whatever fell in my lap, I’ve spent extended periods a time without it, so I was use to it.
Been a weird two days. The chick I’ve been dating here wants to end things and just be alone for awhile. Tells me this yesterday now today my ex from back home messages me out of nowhere apologizing for not being there for me at my lowest. I knew the chick here was probably just going to be a summertime fling but was not expecting to here from what was almost my fiancé day after the split.
Ohh man, just remember, they are an ex for a reason!

Just think, now you get to find some new tail! The hunt is usually the best part!
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Ex for a reason but the best pussy I have found yet so one night either out of 5 would be the worst
Ex’s tend to cling worse than your usual one night stands. They think as soon as you hook up you’re back together.
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