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Dealing with depression

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Please answer the pm I can really help you but I can’t even break my own rules lol publicly
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I have been stressed out and having this person deal with my issues and they were there and now I can’t even contact them, I know this person is done with my stuff and I always try to find the light in everything but it’s not enough anymore, I’m not a good person sometimes I love too much and it’s not good I should be a better person but I am trying I am trying so hard so hard to be better, thank u for responding to me I’m gonna check my pm
I live with my wife she almost left me because I wouldn’t get help once I said I would she has had my back ever since and I believe that if you get help and take meds again you will get what you want back also

Before its to late lets get this problem solved brother this is like AAS for me I can help you with this I know about this but I can only help if you let me
@Unique you need way more help then someone can provide on this forum,make a call, get a appointment some kinda therapist, I see one regularly,its hard to open up, but you did it on here, and that means you can do it again.It was a good idea to open up on here, were all here to help,but it’s not gonna be enough.
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Yep at this point my best bet for finding a woman that I can stick with here is finding one at the gym
I’m on meds. Been on for about 4 years now. I was one of those fuckers that was “mentally toughed it out” but my years started to get the best of me. Harder to deal with as I get older but finally decided to take the leap due to my sanity and my wife. She finally got it one day. It’s not her or where I am currently in life. For the longest time she thought it was her causing issues. But now she understands. I told her I am thinking of weening myself off meds. She was like fuck not. 😂. She says the last 4 years is the best I ever have been. Thanks to my doc and listening to my needs and not dumping a shit ton of meds on me. Get a good doc. And you can find relief. 😁
I am against taking unnecessary medication. That’s why I went and saw a therapist first. It does suck but it can help. It did for me. It didn’t completely cure me of my issues but it help me to process what I was thinking and feeling. Just a suggestion, please be safe and take care
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Like @John and @Bigmurph said make the call and get some help. Many of us on here struggle with shit everyday you are not alone in that I promise you. I’m quite sure that one person you have in your life will not turn their back on you if you step up and get the help you need. I’m sure they want you to be the person you were meant to be. The person that they became friends with. Baby steps bud. Get back to the gym, do some amount of work doesn’t have to be a record setting day just do work. Make yourself some good food. Doesn’t have to be super healthy make something you enjoy. No one in your life will benefit from you making a huge mistake because you are at a low point, no one will, including all of us. I k ow that feeling well as do many of us on here. I’ll share something very personal with you. A few years back I was in a bad spot, made a really bad decision that almost cost me my family. I reached out to another women to have an affair. My wife found the texts and called me right out. Anyway I thought long and hard about eating a bullet I shit you not. My S&W 500 was cleaned and ready to go. Some have heard me say on here I don’t like to let people down, well I let the 3 most important people in my life down with that decision and I didn’t think I could get passed that. You k ow why I didn’t do it? I didn’t want to be that coward who couldn’t hack it. That’s what I would have been remembered as, a coward. So I manned the fuck up , owned my shit and turned it around. Point is you can to. Get some help, keep us in the loop and get back on the path. You can deal with this shit no problem. Focus on some bright spots. Find 1 good thing and focus on that before you know it they’ll be 2 then 3. You’ve got this shot brother.
Try getting rid of friends that are giving you negative energy. Two hours of walking a day or ten thousand steps. Improving your microbiome, the second brain. Fish oil, a lot of it, and amitriptyline for meds that are not that expensive. Just a few things but to each their own. A good lady, or whatever floats your boat… Being someone diagnosed with Major depression, I would never steer anybody wrong. Get well soon. The pandemic has definitely made a few dents in our mental health.
I’ve done all the different meds they got best thing for me was mmj I found if I just smoked at the end of night I could sleep better and not get all in my head. Night time or when I’m alone for extended periods is where the get real bad
That’s my problem too. On my own at night and in my thoughts. Like a broken record. Just kept repeating the same stuff. But now. Not so much. Was a big “fuck drugs” guy for a long time. But my mind was changed. And it was good for me. Not every prescription story is bad. Just depends on your doc. And how hood they are.
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