I think
@Bigmurph gave some sound advice and has the experience to back it up and to see him on here daily and his ability to persevere provides hope to those of us that may experience some of the Same things.
I commend your ability to start a thread on this topic and share your issue or what your experiencing in life at this moment. I personally shut down and there are so many days I just wanted to post my struggles and I didn’t. I think all lot of us can relate to your situation brother,there was a time when I was broken mentally and I needed help and I finally went to the doc and told them I needed something and I was going to self medicate if they didn’t help me and they did help me.
Today I struggle with the daily struggles of life, stress from the kids, discord in the relationship, depression because of my physical ailments keeping me from the thing I love and is a big part of my “self care” hitting the gym. I think there are definitely moments when my hormones may exacerbate the actual situation lol and I may be overreacting,or being sensitive and sometimes I know it’s making things worse or I maybe overreacting. I have to remind myself that the hormones are fucking with my mind and I constantly say it until I calm down. I read
@TBU say this one time and it’s helped me.
I was willing to do marriage counseling because our relationship was difficult because of the stress from our kids and life in general and I have to say it’s actually helping but it’s going to take time. The big thing is I’m willing to do and try something different because of my life experience,if you would have asked me to go to counseling a few years ago I’d of told you to fuck off there ain’t nothing wrong with me it’s you that needs the counseling lol We experience so many life traumas that play a big role in our daily lives and our personal and intimate relationships. Hopefully you can find some peace brother and maybe this experience is grooming you for a better relationship.
Remember this as my good friend once told me, “Calm seas never made a skilled sailor.”