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Dealing with domestic violence charges and gun laws

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Any lawyer halfway decent can get it rescheduled. Best to take a loan and get the best in your area. My lawyer has money ties so anytime I’ve used him he walks in and case dismissed but he isn’t cheap.
So many variables with the law and the way its written and enforced.
One time might be good to plea another might be straight to trial. This is why a good attorney is important because he or she will know which situation that your in and give you sound advice.

Im not a lawyer @Rusty but im actually surprised your attorney advised trial rather than getting a lesser charge and a withheld adjudication through a plea bargain or open plea to the judge.

If you have a court date set for a trial your going to trial. Yesterday I thought that you were asking if you should go to trial or plea I had no idea a trial date was set.

Remember this might sound silly but your fighting for your life and freedoms because this charge especially is going to kill alot of things that you are used to doing in life and if your found guilty things are really going to change quickly.

I don’t say this to scare you only to prepare you because you have been doing so incredibly well and this happened back when you weren’t doing well possibly a defense of covid drove you crazy and you drank and acted out of character just like @herrubermensch was saying would relate well to a jury. Then explaining how far you have come sense the incident. Job, clean, family relationships are good, productive member of society which would be character witnesses to say that you worked for them for free at the shop trying incredibly hard to get work and now you have a great job great family and this situation will never happen again and take a long probation period I imagine as your sentence and then shoot also for the withheld adjudication very important for your records.

@Rusty if you have any questions let me know if there personal we can talk ourselves I got your back brother
The trial is risky, if they find you guilty they will slam you with the book.
Many years ago my ex and I were splitting up and she wanted the kid and I wouldn’t give the kid to her so she was smart and got a handful of hair out of her hairbrush and called the cops and they took my kid and took my ass to jail, since that day I haven’t been able to see that kid in 9 years , last time I seen, held or talked to her she was six months old. I was a douchebag then but I wasn’t the monster they made me out to be. Anyways I took the plea deal it was misdemeanor and the courts granted her a 10 year restraining order against me. If I would of took it to trial based on the evidence they would of slapped me with a felony and I would have had to serve a lot of Time, it seems like it’s worth fighting for because like Murphy said having this label as domestic abuser can really make your life difficult but that trial is risky, I’ll pray for you Rusty.
Ya that’s fucked up. Sorry about your luck. My ex got a restraining order against me to try and get full custody of the kids which didn’t work. She said I pull her hair because when we were together she was texting her boyfriend and I grabbed her phone out of her hand and she had three pieces of hair caught on it. My kid saw it he knows it’s bs. And there was another time she trapped me in the bedroom and was harassing me and wouldn’t let me out and I had to go to work so I literally picked her up and set her down to the side so I could get through the doorway and she said I throw her around. Both like they are normal occurrences. My lawyer said take the restraining order or else her testimony will be on record. Such a bunch of bullshit. There are some real asshole guys out there that need to have the snack down put on them. But our governments way of dealing with everything is streamline it and trust the helpless party. In this case women. Yes women need help in bad situations but so do we when we are faced with deceitful people who are playing the system simply because it is streamlined.
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Thanks brother. Did you learn that at AA? Or another AODA place or church? I heard that somewhere before. The sailor thing.
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