Dirts 2g of test test log



Last week this week
Todays workout
Dead’s worked up to 635 for 4 then back off set of 585 for 6
Lat pulldown 3x8-240
Tbar rows 3x12-3pps
Sitting leg curls 3x15-170
Machine rows 3x15-150
Machine lat pull downs 3x15-130
Who Dey we going to afc ship game
Exceeded goal 288 today got about 8 hours of sleep but still tired. Gofinto to stick with 80 if clen till weekend when off cauae this seems to be working abut I also can sleep well on this amount
Feeling the lack of energy today. So got bag of chips and Powerade to go with secodn meal. I’ve actually lost another pound since being at work
Todays first workout I feel the weight loss affecting me. Of course I’ve worked 3 12’s in a row soon to be 4 fuck I’m tired
Bench 3x8ish-410,430(6),410
Incline hammer3x12153
Side raise ss 3x15-60/10
Machine fly don’t know felt like shit
Dip pad push down 3x12-160
Left gym felt no pump today even with cialis. So flat


Two weeks differemce
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Almost flipped tank now I got a giant knot on calf. Tomorrow May become Arm day not leg day

yes I discovered how when pooping doesn’t hurt now but who knows after sleeping
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Doing arms tonight then legs with more rest tomorrow I’m just little energy in cut but results are there will be upping clen the next couple days with Friday being last day of use
Rope pushdowns
Bb curls3x12-95
Rear delt raise 3x15-30
Seated dips 3x12-279x2,289
Incline arm supported hammers 3x12-50
Skull crusher 3x12-105
Face pulls 3xfail-40 really need two ropes for this
Cardio 30 minutes 3mph 2 incline
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Knot is perfect for looking like I built a calf
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285 today. Time to hit legs see what the calf allows me to do. Didn’t you the clen today maybe tomorrow and Friday I don’t feel it but I guess it’s still working with the weight loss