Dirts 2g of test test log

Need to work on posing but back day
Dead’s top sets of 635x3 2 sets
V-grip pull downs 3x8-220
Tbar rows 3x12-3p and 10
Iso lat pow low row leaning not sitting 3x12-2pps
Machine row for upper back 3x15-150
Machine pulldown 3x15-130
Seated shrugs 3pps
Cardio 30 min 3inc 3mph

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More cardio walking around mall. Double date turned into my girl also bring her nephew for shopping at mall.didn’t know people still came to these places
285 todays so if I just don’t drink water today I’ll hit 280 but I’m not going to push anything if I had that extra week I’d had goal. Donating blood in few so I have to drink water haha. Also if I didn’t break diet then past two days it would have helped but hardly do social things with friends so when I’m Rome
So I think for this tren run upcoming I’m going to add he 0472 to help
With endurance and lipid profile a bit should be getting blood done by end of month to have baseline
I don’t but my normal temp is around 97.4 Bloods flowing today. I guess not being on 1200 eq helps. 6:12 on the clock for donation
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I used card
Get protein drink at gym I hardly use my bank card but it was first I’m the wallet then I got all these charges today for nutriontion shot in Missouri. And some
Soccer store somewhere guess I do pwo then go to bank and sort it out tomorrow. If I didn’t have direct deposit I would just close it out and move on
I never get cash anymore but I wouldn’t be surprised if the released at gym had they probably had left behind
Counter and it’s 24 with no worker at night
Well slept for like 10 hours minus pee
Brakes and I just hit scales at 278.

Time to put some carbs and protein in me probably b285 by end of day haha. Will start to add some ab work if I try and stay leaner cause if I had done it I’d see them popping
I had wr showered since
Saturday afternoon it was wild. But it’s coming back strong now. Was looking at choppin g off but I think I ll get some length and thickness back