SB Labs

Dirts esquelle log let the gainz begin

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Yeah I can tell it’s legit I just can’t seem to stay healthy long enough to make changes to show. I’m back to being down right now possible Covid.
I actually feel ya, brother!

I’m 3 weeks in on what started as a cold and chest cold and now on antibiotics for supposedly bronchitis, but no chest x-rays, so they’re just treating what they think it is. A few more days of antibiotics and hopefully I shall see it get knocked out after they’re done working.
Yeah, I think our weather down here this winter has been the worst in years, which has forced folks to congregate inside and spread the shit between each other, when we’re normally outside in 70 degrees without rain during the winter months.

Hopefully we all push through, cause we’ve got gains to make before summer season is upon us. Hard to use that down here though, cause summer starts in March here. 😂
Ok so till I’m able to train with any effort I’m goig to drop back to try dose of test. Then once I’m back on feet I’ll pick the log back up this really isn’t fair to them and a waste if I’m just injecting and not able to lift
The whole office seems to have vgotten what u got I took Covid test every day I was off just to be sure I wasn’t missing it. At one point I thought my taste was going but that may have just been from eating too hot of soup
Thanks btw as far I can tell from feel everything is g2g with you guys I just got to get my immune system used to kids germs and I’ll be ready to rock. Hell I went from doing it just for the log to now I’m ready to get back and hit the weights.
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