Cycle now I just need to start getting up in morning. It’s possible I may just be done with it all. I applied for supervisor role here and I’m really concentrating on doing well in new relationship as she actually makes me happy. For once in my life I feel like living and I still haven’t even hit it yet. My care for pushing it in gym is nonexistent I may if I got back to ans was I ther daily probably feel it. But right now I don’t care to go
I’m trying g tk wake up at 9/30 of course when you get off at 1-3 am and can never fall asleep easily it sucks but such is life. I booked small trip back home. Fri Christmas see if that gets me going cause I just don’t care about the putting in the work I the gym. And if that’s the case I probably shouldn’t be running any cycles
This my experience … just me… I’ve felt just like you on and off for about 10 years now. I’ve gone months with pretty much minimal motivation.
I learned to recognize it and not push it. On the lows…I hit the gym for maybe 15 minutes (my commute time is approximately 15 seconds). I get in maybe 1 &1/2 times a week give or take and move on. I let the natural lows run its course and ramp up when it feels natural to do so.
With that being said, I haven’t trained on specific weekdays in 15 years or so. Not unusual for me to take an extra day or two between my 3 day template.
Once again that’s just me and my learned mindset over time.
Right unfortunately itbks is about the time I have start up if I’m doing comp I. Spring. Maybe just have to change mindset. My lady swiped on me cuase on big guy if I don’t do gym she might leave me for
Getting small. I don’t think this is true she seems to actually like me for reason but lying to one’s self for motivation worked for Jordan so why not me
Hit 600 for easy double yesterday rpe 5 actually did full Saturday workout and im sore as fuck he added two more sets to my squats and paused dead’s at 2 reps sets I still feel it. Of course back off sets have short rest
Now that I’m high dose and in love I can’t be in public with her. I basically had try and hide an erection for the whole duration of us being at Walmart yesterday. She was a god sport about Nd not telling me I was embarrassing her. That was our first juat doig regular everyday life activity together and 6 weeks in I know she’s it. I didn’t know relationship could be like this.
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