SB Labs

Dirts esquelle log let the gainz begin

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Thank you mate. Keep sharing your progress and results.

Easing into it while being sick is the smartest thing you’re doing. After this round of illness, your immune system will definitely spark on the uptick for the better, even though you had to experience the downtime you have now.

Hopefully, sponsor understands and will let you start fresh out of the gate when you’re 100%. They seem to pretty stand up folks so far with me, you, and Mossy.
So single again appearently she didn’t think she needed to tell me that she didn’t want to ever have sex in the relationship until I was four months invested in love and dropped a decent amount of coin compared to what I make on her. So some may use that as fuel to go even harder I the gym I feel like I don’t want to go and even be Around women anymore I feel used and heart broken. Lucky for me I dumped some cocaine that found its way to me before this went down r I may have relapsed. It’s doubtful as I still don’t feel the need to use but I’m also not alone with drugs nobody knows I have so I wouldn’t even have to change the time I’ve been clean when talking to people. When I say I dumped I had my dad do it again don’t put self in positions to fail and you can fail.
Alright I’m off work dammit. Now I could of swore on another thread I said not to be saying she’s the one. not that I wanted to be right or anything. I was just trying to say pump your brakes a little bit. And honestly I ain’t like her when you had to conform (if that’s the right word) your jokes and shit. Change what naturally comes out your mouth. Change who YOU ARE to suit her taste. Fuck that man. You need to find yourself a goofy dirty mouth power lifting female with a big ass dookie booty. Straight up man. Not right now though. Shit we got work to do. Women are the biggest gains Killers besides drugs and alcohol. I know it’s easier said than done just to say get over it. So I’m Sorry bout your heart break and all that good shit But at least you didn’t have that much time invested into it. And you don’t need that damn coke either. I’m sure everyone here glad you ain’t relapsed. And another thing mfers here at UG mother fuckin M been around longer than her… Remember that…😏…get your big ass back in that gym dammit… Is this a log or a romance novel???
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I’m sorry big guy. I know your heart and head were in the right place… unfortunately you got tangled up with a woman that was “on a mission “.

You were too good for her anyways.
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Don’t even let it bother you bro. I always set ground rules on what’s expected before anything. Find someone with same interests. In the gym and politically and you’ll be much better off. Always plenty of girls here in eastern Europe when you’re ready lol. Trust me. Way more females then males. Loyal, family oriented. They just might not all want to move to US.
Honestly I thought she was the one but this ending doesn’t feel as bad as I thought. Maybe cause I know the relationship wasn’t base on open honest beginnings. I’ll take the positive from it and just realize I do have the ability to love and feel love. I have no problems being single but I’m open to finding somebody still
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