Thanks! My measurements fortunately were on mark as I didn’t want the 45 to extend above the diamond plate, but wanted the pegs to be a bit higher to make it easier to pull off the weights. Eventually (quite a ways down the road), I’d like to use that area for olympic lifts with bumper plates. I found some pegs that just hook into the power rack so can either move the iron plates over there or put some pegs on the right side of the cage to separate zones for iron vs. bumper plates. Once my plates come in towards the end of February I’ll put 4 45s on the right peg and the 2 35s on the left one, then the rest can just go on the sides of the power rack. It came with some sleeves to convert the 1in diameter pegs to 2 in. There’s 4 (2 on each side).
A little easy trick to hang accessories for cable pulls including my weight belt (I hate having stuff on the floor) I just grabbed some S hooks that I can just hang from the wire shelf I have that has my old ~20 year old stereo system which I have an old mp3/CD player hooked to it. Love the nostalgia of using that stereo still. We have a Bluetooth speaker where I can just stream music from my phone, but have been loving listening to my old CDs which is a lot of 70s-80s rock and some 90s alternative/hard rock.
Love when a plan comes together (queue the A-Team theme)