SB Labs

Garage Gym - In Progress

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Yeah I really liked that rack as it has a UHMW plastic liner on each hook to prevent the barbells from damages, such as scratches and scuffs, as well as to protect the knurling. I went with horizontal even though it takes up bit more space, as I was hesitant about the vertical ones where you place the bottom end vertically into a round metal hole since I could potential damage the sleeve when putting it in and taking it out. Also it keeps it up high enough that when the younger kids are in the garage they can’t reach it easily. I ended up moving it over one stud from where it was originally as I was a bit OCD that my Olympic bar wasn’t centered. Haha
Shock6050 said:
I was hesitant about the vertical ones where you place the bottom end vertically into a round metal hole
I didn’t want this either and I just don’t have as much space but I believe that I could put a rack like that up and it would probably work I need to do some measurements
I don’t want to see another sheet of diamond plate! Finally got the base done. Now need to move my plates back in and put the pegs back on the wall. Also need to give the floor a nice cleaning from all the metal shards I created when cutting the sheets and trim.



@Poppy Think I have a name…it goes back to childhood and also into college. Long story… LOL

Iron Moose Gym…found a place that will make the logo for pretty cheap. Also found a retro tin sign the says Locals Only…found that kind of funny.


@Bigmurph I also have a great spot to put a UG logo sticker whenever your merchandise you’ve been looking into is available. 👍
Heck yeah! The iron moose gym it is!!! You got a sweet setup my friend.
So hit the jackpot on a local marketplace site. Just 15 minutes from my house. Just $350 for pairs of 45s, 35s, 25s, 10s, in addition to an Olympic bar (don’t really care if it’s high quality as it’d be nice to have a backup bar I can be a bit rough with), Olympic curl bar, a a pair of Olympic dumbbells with collars. Pick up tomorrow. So when all is said and done by the end of this month I should have 6 45s, 4 35s, 6 25s, 4 10s, 2 5s, and 2 2.5 Olympic plates. Need to get those pegs up ASAP. May want to grab a standard weight tree but like keeping stuff on the walls to save space.



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Nice. I was just looking up today how to build a belt squat setup. I think I can build a pretty nice one for around $200 with Rogue parts. I am excited to give it a shot. With my back, its hard to get a good leg workout at home, especially without a leg press. My dumbbells are lacking, only go to 30lbs (but I have over 600 in plates so thats good.)
I hear you. It’s definitely been challenging overall to find even some of the basics without having to deal with the covid induced mass exodus of exercise equipment! It’s taking quite awhile to finally feel like I’m adequate to be able to hit each muscle group with a sufficient amount of weight. Had to get a bit creative…do front squats if you can’t load enough weight for normal back squats. For most core exercises there are usually more difficult ones that can be done with less weight. There’s a lot of good information throughout the site of different lifting regimens and lifts. Also even just looking on the internet has helped me find some alternatives since I also no longer rely on the other supplemental machines found in the typical commercial gym. Good luck and happy hunting!
I got the Blocks which are similar to these bow flex ones. I fuckin love them not gonna lie tho during peak of pandemic I saw people selling them for like a G online was tempted to sell them haha
Nice set up., My stuff is half in my basement and half in the garage. But I plan on using a spare room in my basement eventually. Don’t have room in the garage I have to keep room around the scooter, I get nervous with weights to close to her! Lol
Nice. I’ve never used the power blocks before. From the look they seem like they may be a bit awkward due to the shape, but probably just takes getting used to. I was recently looking at various “series” of them, and to get them to go up to 90 lbs it appears you have to buy multiple expansion kits. Prices are definitely crazy on all weight equipment and am seeing from more mainstream sites prices well up in the $1500 range…sometimes worse on seller sites where they are taking advantage that most places are out of them. Who knows, with all the steel and iron many of us have, it may become the next gold, so hang on to your equipment! 😂
Added the pegs back so I can hold my new additions. 4 45s on the bottom, 4 25s on the top peg. Rest are on the power rack. Have a strip of 4 pegs to fit the rest of my plates when the arrive…pairs of 45s, 35s, 25s, 10s, 5s, 2.5s. Should be set with weights for awhile. Anyone know load bearing approximate lbs a single upright stud can hold? They won’t be all maxed out with 4 45s on each but rather probably pairs starting with 2 45s at the bottom and decreasing by 10 lbs on the way up to the 4th peg. A pic of the system is below.

Also added my 2 used bars I picked up (standard Olympic bar and curl bar). Can’t tell what brand but don’t really care as they feel solid and we’re intended to allow me to be a little more rough with them as opposed to the Ohio Bar (they are the top and 3rd bar on rack). Also, came with 2 Olympic dumbbell bars with clips.

I added some S hooks to hold accessories where my stereo and Bluetooth speaker are at on a pretty heavy duty wire shelf.






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Looking good!

I do know a little bit about load bearing on studs. What kind of exterior sheathing does your house have under your sideing? If it’s structural ie plywood/osb you should be ok.

The risk won’t be shear (vertical) failure if you use 3/8 to 1/2 inch lags with predrilled holes. The risk would be lateral…if you were to load to many plates on the pegs where as the load is placed too far from the wall…2 plates on each peg should be just fine. If you were to max out the space on the pegs with 45’s then you might have a problem.

Make sense?
Great! I’m not 100%, but pretty sure it’s plywood/OSB on the outside wall with the siding with insulation between the studs. We have both brick and vinyl siding on the outside but the wall I’m working on is all siding. For the 2 pegs I already put in they use 2 lag bolts each that I believe are 3/4 in (pretty big ones). Those are the 2 that are holding the most weight (4 45s on 1 and 4 25s on the other. Just drilled directly into the vertical studs. Sounds like I should be ok with the 4 peg strip as it won’t nearly be maxed out with typically no more than a pair on each and will be on a different stud.
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