SB Labs

Garage Gym - In Progress

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Well look what finally got here! It is huge…takes up our entire kitchen island. It was supposed to arrive a few days ago as the status was out for delivery, then it showed up as being located far away in a completely different state. Well finally they got it right. I’m going to need the wife’s help on this to be sure it is perfectly centered (she’s the more crafty one). It is one of those vinyl stickers where you first peel the back off to place it where you want, then pull off the front film to just leave the logo which will be dark black. IRON MOOSE GYM is almost official! LOL

Extra plate storage peg strip is up. Only regret… I should have paid the extra 15 bucks to add the “wing pegs” that V off and will hold 5s and 2.5s. Ultimately, I can just store them off the power rack pegs. @Poppy You were right, definitely have no concerns overloading that one stud as I’ll never have it maxed out with 4 45s on each peg. 👍

Logo next up!

Looks solid dude! Coming along nicely.

Me and just me…I don’t use 35s on the bar. I got them but have my quarters on top of them.
Yeah I typically don’t use the 35s too much. Usually if I’m increasing weight during a set and have a 25 on the end I just slap a 10 on. Looks like quite a few companies that sell plates only offer 45s, 25s, 10s, 5s, and sometimes 2.5s.

In other news, Iron Moose is now open for business…well at least for me and a select few. Haha


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Alright here she is virtually complete.

As mentioned, still awaiting shipment of another 400 lbs of barbell plates, but for now I’m pretty good in being able to hit everything I want to with enough weight between the barbells, adjustable DBs, and the high/low pulley. Also can do pull-ups and dips, as well as back extension/preacher curls using an attachment to the bench. I do plan to eventually upgrade the bench to a higher quality one that will allow me to do incline presses (current does flat/decline). I have one more stable mat that I’m going to cut to fit in some of the tight areas for a cleaner look.

I was at the hardware store to pick up some shelves and some other things for indoor projects for the wife and picked up this cool 100 watt bulb that can be adjusted to various levels of brightness, colors, and alternating the colors. I like little gadgets so was messing with it this evening. Can be a bit distracting, but pretty cool.









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For those that may notice, the Iron Moose Gym logo was taken down unfortunately. Likely will get another since it was so cheap to order. Even with the wife’s help it appears that the logo was off level compared to the paper it was printed on. Dealt with it for a week and it started to drive me nuts, so pulled it down and had to retouch the wall paint. Still is Iron Moose, but no official logo up for the moment. Haha
Everything looks great! Maybe buy a 1/2 sheet of good plywood…cut to size…paint it and stick logo on that then hang it on wall.
Or I could diamond plate it. LOL. I still have a decent amount leftover. May become my go to option for everything… Hole in the wall? Diamond Plate. Tread on your shoes worn out? Diamond Plate.

Kind of like Bubba Gump and his shrimp. Though if any makes its way inside the house wife won’t be happy. Maybe I could diamond plate our fridge?
Haha. Why stop there then…time to replace the vinyl house siding with glorious black diamond plate. The HOA will love it.

@Poppy Seriously though, the idea to put it on a piece of plywood is a great idea. I actually have a nice piece to use on hand. May paint it first like you suggested. Thanks!
One thing I miss doing for the regular commercial gyms is double cable chest fly. I have found this to be the next best thing to having 2 separate high cables. You just attach 2 cables to the high cable carabiner clip that has a carabiner at the other end of each cable, followed by a single arm handle attachment. Works pretty well and you can also turn around and do some back flys as well. Additionally if attached to the low cable you can do the same thing, but just hit the muscle groups at a different angle. It’s not perfect as it’s a little tight when squeezing the handles together as the cable will rub against your arm. Got to get creative when using your garage/home as your main gym. Now that I’m 2 months in, I love it that I don’t have to spend time driving to the gym, going to the locker room, workout, then drive home. Easily saves me an hour and of course can workout whenever I want.

Having a home gym is the best thing I ever did because dealing with all the people plus all the covid crap would have broke me I like your zetup so much brother.
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