SB Labs

Garage Gym - In Progress

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Yup! Really nice though to finally have enough weight to really hit it heavy without needing the commercial gym. Doing a moderate Test C/EQ run to bulk up a bit, then may take a month or 2 off and focus on getting BF under 10%. Older pic, but believe I was right around 9-10% here and 200lbs (6ft tall).! I’m now around 225 and probably roughly 18%…a bit higher than I’d like to be when using enhancements. Wanted to kickstart myself up and it’s always a little easier to really dial in the diet and train very hard when you have invested in gear. 💪


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Thanks! It helps to provide some additional motivation to continue to improve myself not just physically but also mentally. Over the past few years I’ve had some rough times, particularly with my father’s suicide which was very sudden and unexpected. I also dealt with some injuries…couple herniated discs in my back, broken foot; and also to frequent losses of loved ones. I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last couple months and have come to the conclusion that I simply am not fully engaged as much as I should be with my wife, kids, family, and even at work though most wouldn’t know I was struggling. I’m not much of a new year resolution guy but decided to just do it and make a dramatic change in how I have been living. That’s kind of part of where this whole project sprung from. Definitely enjoy spending more quality time with my son by getting off those damn iPads all the time and work with me to step by step build up this gym. Also, seems to be setting a good example to my oldest daughter seeing us working out together and has resulted in conversations about the importance of exercise and eating right. I wasn’t eating horrible, but nothing like I’m doing these days. I had spurts here and there where I drank too much, but fortunately was still able to function at a fairly high level that it didn’t impact my job or family. Completely dumped out any whisky or hard alcohol on January 1st and haven’t had a drop since (including wine or beer which I never was much for my taste I guess). I also was a frequent dip user and found an alternative that is tobacco free, but still has some nicotine (haven’t had a normal chew, Grizzly wintergreen was my vice) for almost a month now. I have so much more mental clarity and engery which translated to regaining that previous interest to get out and re-engage. My wife has definitely noticed the difference and of course likes that I’m more involved with helping out with even just those little things…that also translates to much more frequent late night activities 😎, well whenever we are able to actually keep the younger kids from invading our room. All of this resulted in a chain reaction where I’m not just going through the motions, but actually living life as it should be. I wish I had this wake up call earlier, but I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes and certainly plan to stay on this path to continue improving all aspects of myself. Sorry this was a bit long winded, but hope some people may be able to relate, as I’ve seen quite a few posts here with members battling their own demons. To that I just say stay the course and implement whatever is needed (meetings, church, psychiatrist, even rehab if it gets to that point)…it will be worth it for not only yourself, but also will impact virtually everyone you are in contact with. That’s all from me…night everyone…love this forum. GOOD (watch the Jocko video on the internet for a little kickstart).
Well it sounds like you are making positive life changes.

Staying engaged with your family will pay off with big dividends. Me personally I have two adult daughters (29 & 33) that are my pride and joy. As I tell them kinda jokingly, I take full credit. I stayed on them about life choices and guided them thru the tough times. Being a “present” father will make all the difference in the world. I don’t worry about their current situation one second now.

Quitting alcohol is a wise decision. I’m jealous of those that can sip on a beer or drink without overindulgence.

Quitting dip is huge! I did the same thing 7-8 years ago after 30 years of use. Used the nicotine lozenges…which I’m addicted to today. I’m currently working on whittling my way off of them.

Stay the course brother. Take control of your life. There are folks out there that need you.
Im so happy for you brother, honestly that’s great to hear about you changing your life and getting the kids involved even the wife is happy.
I believe that you know im in recovery and your story is very similar I believed one day that it had to end and lifting kept me going especially at first whenever id start craving I would hit the weights.
Im really happy for you brother god blesss you and yours.
Thanks @Bigmurph! Same to you and your family. Sometimes the most important things in your life are unintentionally taken for granted. Looking back when I was under more dark times, I now in a way feel that some decisions were just simply selfish, such as self isolating myself and not really being engaged. My father was an alcoholic, but had occasional periods where he stayed dry; he also was battling mental illness. I came to conclude that the direction I was heading was just not going to end well as these issues run in my family. I am lucky I never really hit that complete rock bottom, but fortunately recognized it and am making the necessary changes. Work in progress…but continuing to move forward.
No doubt brother I completely understand actually.
Your doing great though love your gym im jealous mine I feel needs more now im blaming it on you when the wife asks lol
It’s a product that has no tobacco but has the same texture/flavor of regular chew. It just has nicotine added. I honestly can’t tell the difference. My grandfather was a lifetime dipper and unfortunately passed due to cancer likely linked to that although was a prior smoker way back when the cancer risk was not really known.

I learned the hard way a few weeks ago as I mentioned a vendor name on a separate topic (though that was a substance that in some cases quasi-legal). I was fortunately given mercy as I understand the reason for that rule. However, this may be different but want to check with the big guy!

@Bigmurph Is it OK to say the brand name of this tobacco free dip? Thanks!
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Hmmm never heard of it. I used to like everything about dip! Taste buzz spitting…loved it.

I’m trying to get off everything nicotine. Hard thing to do. I’m breaking the 4mg lozenges in half now.

Addictive personalities are a bitch!
Yeah I’m kind of heading that way too. Plan is to eventually gradually decrease the use of nicotine over the next year or so…but may use it occasionally. But definitely wanted to get rid of the tobacco part so switched to this.
That was my intention. Get rid of carcinogens from tobacco and ween off nicotine but I’ve failed on the weening part. Ive had some renewed focus as of late.
Spitting and watching it go down side of spitter was my favorite part. They don’t say I’m nasty for nothing
Nicotine is actually a decent nootropic with out the bad stuff it isn’t all horrible. Now using too much is probably not god but occasional use is good for memory if I’m recalling correctly
4mg is sposed to be no more than 1 an hour and 12 a day…i was doing 2 at a time every 15-20 mins. I was a nicotine junkie. Hahaha
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