Geek's Big Guns Recomp

Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
A few more for consideration…
These aren’t especially supportive. One of those is a trial and not a study. It was published in a smaller journal that may or may not have a good peer review process. Just from the name, I wonder how biased they are.

The other meta analysis you posted doesn’t seem supportive either. The authors basically say “maybe it does something”. Also, the studies they chose were not placebo controlled.
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Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Right on…sorry you don’t think this might help with your bum knee.
I know the feeling, and thought this might be worth a look.
I appreciate it! That said, I have pretty good insurance so I’m not left to rely on stuff like this for my medical needs like a lot of people. Plus I wouldn’t want someone to come across this thread and go with “alternative” therapy instead of the medically accepted standard of care — that could be a recipe for disaster for someone less informed.
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Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
That sounds like “Woo” to me
Not really. Think it over carefully, my guy.

Say someone has knee issues and decides to try LLLT. Instead of seeing a doctor, they do this unproven therapy for 6 months to a year.

If happens to work, great! Problem solved.

However, if it doesn’t, that person has been worsening a degenerative joint issue by walking or even exercising on it for a year. Now this hypothetical person is even worse off than they started and instead of a few weeks of physical therapy, they’re looking at a full knee replacement.

Standards of care exist for a reason: Science matters. Facts matter. When people promote this kind of thing sight unseen, it has real world consequences for real people. And sometimes they’re downright tragic.

So the question is whether or not you’re willing to bet someone else’s knee on shaky science.

Sounds ethically dicey to me.
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Do houses of ill repute still use red lights?

Used to call it the red light district way back.
Ahhhh the rock… been there. I liked it. Beautiful water/beaches.

I went to google maps street view and toured my old stomping grounds. They’ve done a lot of nice stuff since I was there.
I still remember my HS girlfriend smacking the hell out of me for gawking in the streets of Amsterdam when we visited my bro stationed in Stuttgart Germany. They have those storefront glass windows and they would blow you kisses…Their Eastern block girls are ridiculously good looking.
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The phillipino ladies were called “LBFM’s”

Little brown f’n machines

They held true to their reputation…so I’ve been told…