Hello brothers - just saying hi

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New member
Hello all, new here.
Been lifting natty 4 years and just saying hi. This site seems good with a close community so I’ll be getting to know you lot in the future. Looking to start my first cycle in a few months after I’ve learned as much as I can and met the right people.

Welcome aboard, your taking a great approach about this, it will pay off in the future. This is the best place there is to learn and make friends. If you have questions feel free to ask. Welcome to UGMuscle!
Well asking where to get nugenix and other aas is a wrong question
Just curious do you have an idea about what you will run first time around I would reccomend testosterone enanthate or cypionate unless running only 8wks then I would use prop.
I would only use that unless you wanted to add a simple oral that doesn’t aromatase something like proviron maybe turinabol.

I was also curious about your stats
Age weight bf% height experience with compounds
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