Howdy a bit about myself


Hello hello. New to the forums.

I’m 6’2” 29 medically retired from the service
I’m 195 lbs I fluctuate from 185 to 215 been using gear for the past couple years.
Just ordered from @Iron_Junkie_Labs
I’ll be running
Test e 300mg a week 12weeks
Eq 600mg a week 16 weeks
Superdrol 20mg a day for first three weeks
I’m also a certified chef so I’ll be eating the shit out of everything!
welcome ,
its a honor to have you. , we only have the elite here. …:)) also. i run shorts. , and i always make a point of running a 6 week tren and prop. , so i will be hitting you up in about 8 weeks. … i promised uk. next and im man of my word. …so after uk. ill be on yours for sure my word. …
like i said our pleasure. ty.
Thank you! I’ll definitely be logging my cycle. It’s def. a pleasure to be in the group! This is really my first active forum I’ve actually wanted to use. Great group hope to learn as much as possible!
:)) if you were on others you would realize what a pleasure and true site we have here. …our pleasure …tty soon need anything hollor at one of us. ty
I just have been running my first kit. I’ve been using 2iu a day im almost done.
Its not magic but it does work its definitely a long term product and I will likely use it again around 40+ to keep feeling and looking young.
Definitely research deep there is honestly so much to learn about hgh just the difference between labs and brands pharma grade and generic. It could take you weeks to read everything. Then once you start getting into the actual protien cultures and how long it takes the body to become immune.
There is alot