Hello hello. New to the forums.
I’m 6’2” 29 medically retired from the service
I’m 195 lbs I fluctuate from 185 to 215 been using gear for the past couple years.
Just ordered from @Iron_Junkie_Labs
I’ll be running
Test e 300mg a week 12weeks
Eq 600mg a week 16 weeks
Superdrol 20mg a day for first three weeks
I’m also a certified chef so I’ll be eating the shit out of everything!
I’m 6’2” 29 medically retired from the service
I’m 195 lbs I fluctuate from 185 to 215 been using gear for the past couple years.
Just ordered from @Iron_Junkie_Labs
I’ll be running
Test e 300mg a week 12weeks
Eq 600mg a week 16 weeks
Superdrol 20mg a day for first three weeks
I’m also a certified chef so I’ll be eating the shit out of everything!