I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

Very cool find!
I knew it was legit turinabol because Flash gets things tested. It seems that turinabol is one of the more advanced orals. I love the anabolic to androgenoc ratio it has. I honestly expected it to be very weak but it’s surprising me in how effective it actually is.
It’s changing my appearance. I’m starting to look like a bodybuilder again, offseason mind you, minus the legs. Haha I have too much damage in my lower body to get big legs except calves. I pride myself in having good calves. Most guys have no calves which motivates me to train them.

I question the validity of the anabolic ratio as well because those East German women’s swimmers in the 60’s were quite manly.
I love the tbol with deca and sustanon. I’m the strongest and heaviest I’ve been in many years. My body has reshaped. I looking like an off season bodybuilder again instead of like an an old turd. 😀 I’m nothing like I was before my spine issue, but I’m very pleased. The results from tbol keep coming. BigMurph was right that tbol gets better and better. I have 3 weeks left with it. I’ll take at least a month off from tbol but stay on my sustanon and deca.
Oral Tren is way too toxic.
It made me so energized and aggressive.
I used to take it before the gym and I would sweat balls. It made me very strong!
Yeah. I wasn’t happy with 100mg HRT. This is a lot more fun. I did lower my test though.
I’m on 245mg sustanon and 152mg deca per week with 25mg turinabol daily.
Haha… yeah, you’re old HRT was more a mini cycle and your new one is close too. Amazing you’ve had success with those small dose of tren after the pellets (I loved em too) and 6gms of anything EW. Haha…
Never used Tbol but definitely interested now, for sure.