SB Labs

I’m alive, and coming back

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Did you think you would see 60? I never thought I would see 50. I’m serious, until that little baby girl that steals all my money was born! Then at 27, I started scrambling, LOL, Thank GoD the Mom and I just couldn’t live together, no marriage and she didn’t kill me on support when I made more money. I gave them what they needed anyway…I was jacked and just came off on 100 kclomid and started HCG. If it wasn’t for her I would of been with all the goofballs, Titus and the afterparties, Martinez…perspective and you said it awhile back. Why the fuck would I of settled for a dime when I could of had a dollar. The fun in our day was lethal!!
rnmuscle said:
Did you think you would see 60?
Nope!!! Several motorcycle crashes…a plethora of foreign substances I’ve put in body at large and prolonged dosages…shot…stabbed…fallen off of roofs… through rafters…walked domestic and foreign lands were 90% of the indigenous folks was trying to kill me….etc etc…should have been dead a long time ago.
Well, you definitely haven’t been gone as much as you think. Or, I’m just not on here often enough to see who’s slacking and who’s not, which I guess makes me a slacker.

Good to see you’re back in the gym! Wife and I have swapped it up to progressive overload that swaps weeks of higher weight, but still at least 6-8 reps per set and then weeks of lower weight with sets of 14-18 reps per set and holy cow the constant state of soreness we kind of stay in, even on mild amounts of gear. It’s helped with joints and those minimal damn injuries we all get, like elbows, shoulders, etc. We try and focus on 4 days a week and usually do two on, one off, with occasional longer stents of two-three days off.

Keep at it and just enjoy yourself with the workouts and you’ll continue to make great gains and stay where you want. Spoken easier to another than it is living myself.
Upper 1:

Low incline DB bench 20, 15, 15, 13
Pec dec 20, 17, 15
Flat DB bench 15,14,12
Single arm tricep extension 20,20,18,12
Lateral raise 16, 15, 14
Narrow grip pull down 20,18,18
Chest supported Row 16,16, 15
That’s a great workout right there!

I LOVE doing the low incline bench. 15 degree angle and tear that up a bunch and sometimes just do multiple sets at 15 degrees and not even hit flat bench.

FYI…Every time my Google screen saver of pics comes on our bedroom TV, I say to my wife in bed, I beg one of those pics rotating through here are yours. @Neuro

Keep kicking ass through the camera and at the gym Bro!!
Lower 1:
Lying leg curls 20,20,20
Belt squat 15,15,13
Split squat (down leg on tip toe, working on building arches) 10,10,10
SLDL 18,17,15
Lunges 20,20
Calves 15,15,12,10

My feet are flat from injuries over the years. Keeping the foot loaded with inner ankle bone high and outer ankle bone low keeps the body in a state of posterior chain dominance and strengthens the arch and stabilizers.

You can start by standing in that position holding onto the squat rack.



Moving to one point of contact.

I prefer to do it while doing split squats and start shaking like a new baby giraffe learning to walk.
T spine mobility, hip mobility, some walking on the treadmill trying to get the soreness of week three shaken out.

Upper 2:
Narrow grip Overhand Pulldowns: 18,18,16
Narrow grip underhand pulldowns: 18,16,12
Chest supported row: 12,12,8
(The ole back ran out of steam quick today)
Preacher curl: 15,13,10
High incline DB bench: 16,15,12
Flat Db Bench: 18,14,10
Lateral Raise: 15,15,12,12
Dips: 10,10,10

Honestly just felt weak the whole time. I was up early chasing the sunrise but took a nap before hand. Probably didn’t eat or drink enough pre-workout. Will adjust next time.
Yesterday was lower version 2. Forgot to write it down.

Hamstring focused with lots of reps.

Normally In past I’ve progressively overloaded with sets going up each week. Right now my plan is to increase set every two weeks just to ease back into.

My joints have felt good. With occasionally getting a little angry the day of/day after a workout. I’d like to try any keep it that way.

My daily intake:
50 mg test E
30 mg mast E
Co-Q 10
Curcumin complex
Alpha GPC

I have a small supply of GH that I’ve been using 2 u at night for sleep. I’ve never been able to tell much of a difference on or off the stuff but since I have it I will use it.
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