SB Labs

I’m alive, and coming back

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Upper 1:

Low incline DB bench 20, 12,12,10
Pec dec 15,15,10
Flat DB bench 10,10,8
Single arm tricep extension 15,15,12,8
Lateral raise 12,12,8,8
Narrow grip pull down 12,11,8
Chest supported Row 12,12,10

The crud is going around here and I think I’m on the front end of it. Just felt exhausted today on all lifts. Kept it light and low.


This is one month back in the gym. My appetite has become obscene. I’m back up to 240 without trying to be. I’ll eat a full meal. An hour later I’m starving. I’ll drink some bone broth to try and satiate myself. But then eat a whole steak as second helpings. So much for staying under 230. 😂😂😂
Wow you look great!

Keep in mind you’re not getting any younger. Body comp, metabolism etc might be changing.

My “comfortable walking around weight” changed over the years.
@JLee @Neuro is one of those unicorns everyone hears about and seldom run across. He’s a big fella (6 foot plus) with a naturally lean muscular physique AND most importantly is not afraid to put in the work…. Not meathead work but a well thought out “looking down the road” syllabus.

Imho… he could probably compete on a high level if he chose to. It might take a couple of years of laser focus but he possesses all the tools/piece parts.
Hahaha you got it going on.

To be honest. I “had” great genetics too. I just pissed away my 20’s and 30’s and broke even in my 40’s. The rest is history.

Don’t take your foot off the pedal!
Ha, I feel you Poppy! I have pretty good genetics for the most part and waisted them on being a distance runner, partying and eating like shit through my 20’s and 30’s. Started lifting with my wife who is also a genetic freak from high school and college crew days, who will also admit that she kissed away the same thing during her so called “young” days, too. We look pretty good in our 40’s, but if we focused back then on diet, proper lifting, and most likely adding in gear.,.We’d be ahead of the curve. Won’t complain and will keep grinding to stay in the shadows of our phenom amateur photographer @Neuro and enjoy what I hope will be a long road of fitness way into my 90’s. 😂😂
Best day to plant a tree was yesterday! Next best is today! There’s no shadow under me, we’re all on our own paths my brother. It’s always you v you! Unless you’re competing. 😂😂
Jesus, dude, you look like THAT after only one month back and year-long layoff?! Man o man, you are a lucky dude. I’d be a bloated fat boy after a year off!

Welcome back. I’ve missed you.
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